Sat.Nov 08, 2014 - Fri.Nov 14, 2014

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How To Use Stories To Raise Money On Social Media


'Storytelling and social media – these terms have certainly been thrown around a lot this year! Are they just empty buzzwords, or actual tools that can help your nonprofit raise money online? I firmly believe in the latter. Great storytelling and successful social media campaigns are completely interconnected. You can collect fantastic, compelling stories, but if no one hears or sees them, they fall flat.

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10 Holiday Gift Programs That Benefit Nonprofits

Nonprofit Tech for Good

'As a follow-up to 25 Online Gift Stores That Benefit Nonprofit s , below are 10 holiday gift programs that benefit nonprofits. Gifts range from symbolic adopt-an-acre of a national park gifts to funding a classroom project in a low-income community. These gift programs are ideal for socially and environmentally conscious holiday shoppers that would prefer their holiday spending directly empower nonprofits.

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Why Donation Pages for Nonprofits Usually Suck


'Right now, thousands of donors are being scared, confused, bored, or straight up turned away from donating online.

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The Gift of Reading, a Circle of Life

Beneblog: Technology Meets Society

'“Frank” (who anonymously shared his story with us) has always been an avid reader, but the progression of his neuromuscular disease to his arms made reading difficult. Eventually he had to ask others to turn pages for him. It became a burden to his family and caregivers to constantly drop what they were doing to turn a page, so he began seeking out ebooks.

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How To Cultivate Community Affinity Throughout The Generosity Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio, Director of Corporate Brand

This session will dive into how to create rich generosity experiences that foster long-lasting relationships. You’ll walk away with actionable insights to redefine how you engage with your supporters—emphasizing trust, engagement, and community over transactional giving models. 🤝 Industry expert Tim Sarrantonio will explore data-backed strategies to engage supporters as active participants in a community that values their contributions and shared ideals.

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Your Volunteers Are Not ‘Set It And Forget It’


'“Set it, and forget it!” said infomercial personality Ron Popeil about the Showtime Rotisserie cooker. Heralded as one of the most iconic infomercial taglines of all time, this tagline influences infomercials to this day. What the tagline should not be describing is the way your nonprofit handles its volunteers. Giving over 7.9 billion hours of service, worth an estimated $175 billion, volunteers are what makes the nonprofit sector go.

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How To Build Better Board Engagement

Wild Apricot

'Are a few of your board members doing all of the "heavy lifting"? Would you like to re-energize your board? Here''s a new guide that offers tips for building better board engagement.

Build 150

More Trending

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Nonprofit Annual Reports: Three ways to save time and money


'Julia Reich. Principal. Stone Soup Creative. If the words "annual report" invite feelings of dread, exhaustion, or resignation, perhaps it's time to rethink them. Creating an annual report is never an easy endeavor. Here are three tips to make the process a little easier, a little faster, and a little more budget-friendly.

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Cloud Computing: How To Stay Safe


'One of the most frequently asked questions we get asked here at Tech Impact about cloud computing is: “How safe is my data in the cloud?” We have answered in blog posts before, and the answer is unequivocally yes. And we’re not the only ones who think so. The cloud alleviates safety concerns that have historically haunted nonprofits and businesses of all sizes.

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Cutting Through Clutter, Membership Marketing & More

Wild Apricot

'This week''s link round-up offers insight and ideas on association communication, storytelling and mission, as well as social media and the membership marketing lifecycle.

Marketing 101
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An Alternative to Writing RFPs for Nonprofit Websites and Technology

ASU Lodestar Center

'posted by Laura L Bush, Ph.D. Communications Director and Content Strategist Highway Twenty A Request for Proposal (RFP) is a common way nonprofit organizations invite bids for products and services. Any RFP includes a specific list of requirements that all responding vendors must address. In theory, an RFP’s intention is to filter vendors for quality and ensure competitive pricing.

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The Retention Ripple Effect: Nonprofit Staff and Donor Dynamics

Speaker: Andrew Olsen, CFRE - EVP, Fundraising Solutions at DickersonBakker | Kat Landa, CFRE, CSD - SVP, Talent Solutions at DickersonBakker

Across the nonprofit sector, organizations invest heavily in donor retention efforts, yet the struggle of cultivating lasting relationships remains. While attracting new donors is crucial, the lack of repeat donors poses significant financial risks. Through a comprehensive analysis of industry data, experts argue that there is a direct correlation between donor burnout, donor retention, and the talent retention crisis.

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Smart Strategies for Using PDFs on Your Site


'Amy Knox. Senior UX Designer. Beaconfire. That PDF you lovingly wrote and designed into portable document formatted perfection could use a little help if you actually want people to read it online. I have some news to share with you: most PDFs on your site don’t get read. Sad but true. The good news is that you’re not alone. World Bank recently released a report that showed that nearly a third of the reports (in PDF format) on their site were not being downloaded and read.

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Strategic Planning: How To Design, Develop, And Implement


'In our professional lives, buzz words are thrown around like hot potatoes. And we’ve all known that co-worker, boss, or client who uses corporate buzz words more than adjectives. ROI, synergy, corporate responsibility, pivot, disintermediation, efficiently operationalize strategies, leverage core competencies. Sometimes (maybe most times) these words mean nothing.

Design 117
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Peer Insight On Providing Value Through Member Benefits

Wild Apricot

'Here is some insight from our Small Membership Advisory Community about member benefits offered at their business and trade associations across North America.

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Can You Build Capacity by Taking on Another Project?


'For organizations with limited resources, project-based learning is a smart investment that can build your organization’s capacity while moving you towards your goals. The post Can You Build Capacity by Taking on Another Project? appeared first on The See3 Blog.

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Nonprofits Are Leveraging the Cloud, but Does It Have to Be So Complex?

Effectively managing cloud technology is getting more complex. From cybersecurity concerns, vendor lock-in, cost increases, or lack of transparency on costs, it can quickly get out of control. Knowing what you can control and finding a platform that’s built with nonprofits in mind is key.

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NTEN's New Homepage: Share Your First Impressions!


'After months of thoughtful reflection, accompanied by much weeping and gnashing of teeth, we are close to finalizing the design of the new NTEN homepage. Our web design experts from Cornershop Creative have put together a page that we hope will fulfill the intended goals of the redesign: to create a more dynamic, easy to navigate website that will help to support our active community of nonprofit professionals to connect, learn, and change the world.

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Infographic: Are +Post Ads The Future?


'In your nonprofit’s content marketing efforts, do you prioritize your Google+ page? Chances are pretty good you don’t. Almost every nonprofit I’ve spoken with says their Twitter and Facebook account are their points of emphasis on the social media marketing front. Why is that? Google+’s active user base pales in comparison to Twitter and Facebook. Google+ is an after thought for a lot of organizations, it gets lost in the sea of social opportunities available today.

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Best Quotes From John C. Maxwell's The 5 Levels Of Leadership

Eric Jacobsen Blog

'Here are some of my favorites quotes from John C. Maxwell''s book, The 5 Levels of Leadership -- a book I believe should become a must-read for any workplace/organizational leader: Good leadership isn''t about advancing yourself. It''s about advancing your team. Leaders become great, not because of their power, but because of their ability to empower others.

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What’s Next for Tech at Your Nonprofit?

Tech Soup

'Shopping season is here, which means new gadgets and software tools in stores and on the horizon. November is the perfect time to talk about your nonprofit’s technology needs. What new products would you like to see in the TechSoup donation program? What software solutions is your organization looking for in 2015 and beyond? On Tuesday, November 18 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

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Nonprofit Technology Kick Start: Free World Class Board Meeting Software

Looking for cost reductions for your nonprofit? Why not consider modernizing with a digital board management system that's designed to work with remote meetings, with immediate cost reductions if you still distribute paper packets to members? Get going in less than an hour on a fully hosted cloud solution built on the latest technology that runs on any device - from desktops to tablets and smartphones - without any installation.

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Six Ways to Crowdsource Your Nonprofit’s Blog Content


'Marlene Oliveira. Copywriter & Communications Consultant. Moflow. Turn your content creation needs into an online carnival. Your nonprofit organization has a blog. Awesome. You have a plan that outlines post content and frequency. Fantastic. You’re ready to roll up your sleeves and start creating content…wait…that’s a lot of content. How are you going to produce it all?

Content 84
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How to Hype Up Your Next Fundraising Event

NonProfit Hub

'As with anything in life, if you want to see results you have to make time for it. Musicians can’t magically pick up a guitar and play a riveting five-minute solo that captivates. There are hours of practice involved. Michael Jordan definitely didn’t start out as a professional basketball player. He couldn’t even make the high school team right away.

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How To Project A Professional Image

Eric Jacobsen Blog

'From Jay Miletsky''s book, 101 Ways to Successfully Market Yourself , here 10 tips for projecting an effective professional image : Discipline yourself to be positive and enthusiastic. In tense situations choose positive responses by maintaining perspective and getting along well with others. Acknowledge mistakes and shortcomings and learn how to correct them.

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4 Ways to Use Your Nonprofit Blog for #GivingTuesday Storytelling

Tech Soup

'With less than a month to go before this year's #GivingTuesday on December 2, it's time to start nailing down your communications for your fundraising campaign. #GivingTuesday is an excellent opportunity to use storytelling to draw in new and existing donors and supporters of your cause, on December 2 and beyond. One of the easiest ways to do that is through your organization's blog.

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How to Design a Seamless & Personalized Digital Donor Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio

The average nonprofit uses five or more different software platforms to create their donor’s journey, making the experience clunky and disjointed. If you want to design a magical online giving experience for donors, making their journey as seamless as possible is key. In this webinar with expert Tim Sarrantonio, you’ll learn the fundamental steps to create an immersive and personalized online giving experience for your donors.

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The Impact of Your Donation: Ray Smith, 14LCS Scholarship Recipient, Shares


'Last year, NTEN Community Champions helped to raise over $36,000 to support the NTEN Community Challenge , which enhanced NTEN''s program accessibility, including sending over 50 people to the 2014 Nonprofit Technology Conference (14NTC) and the 2014 Leading Change Summit (14LCS) with scholarships. To whom did the scholarships go, and what was the impact of your donation?

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Flight Safety Videos Take Content Marketing to New Heights


'Many airlines have spiced up their in-flight safety videos to keep passengers entertained and engaged with their brands. The lesson for nonprofits: In a world of unlimited content choices, you can’t be boring. The post Flight Safety Videos Take Content Marketing to New Heights appeared first on The See3 Blog.

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Dr. Roger Dean Duncan On Change

Eric Jacobsen Blog

'Change is inevitable. Change is good. Help your employees and team learn to embrace change. Here are some solid insights from Dr. Rodger Dean Duncan ''s (Liberty, Missouri) book, Change-friendly Leadership -- How to Transform Good Intentions into Great Performance : The kind of behavior change that results in lasting (sustainable) change must accommodate people''s feelings--feelings that involve trust, confidence, passion, and all those other intangible but very real things that make us human.

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Northeast Denver Housing Center Uses Esri ArcGIS Maps to Demonstrate Housing Needs

Tech Soup

'Northeast Denver Housing Center (NDHC) creates sustainable, healthy housing opportunities for underserved households in Denver, Colorado through outreach, education, and affordable housing development. The organization utilizes mapping technology to advocate for its vision of redeveloped neighborhoods that have ample healthy food, recreation, transportation, and child care for residents.

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Donor Engagement Guide: 8 Key Steps to Better Retain and Engage Donors

Are your donors your biggest fans, or are you lacking donor loyalty? The truth is, your donors have expectations of what their relationship with your organization should look like. This ebook will help you learn how to live up to those expectations!

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MAM Week 2: Congrats to last week's winners and here's what's in store this week!


'Member Appreciation Month (MAM) celebrations are underway! One week in and we''ve already had several free-for-Member webinars, prizes, and best of all, lots of #ntenthanks from community members sharing their gratitude for and with one another. My biggest #ntenthanks was getting to kick off the MAM celebrations by hosting the 2014 NTEN Year in Review: Community Impact webinar.

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Communications for an LMS Implementation


In the introduction to the Change Management Strategies Series I mention three major factors effecting change. These include an organized implementation plan, communication, and management buy-in. This blog will focus on strategic communications. Learning Management System (LMS) roll outs that catch employees unaware can have a potentially devastating impact.

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Choose To Live A Life That Matters

Eric Jacobsen Blog

'I recommend that all leaders every so often read the What Will Matter poem by Michael Josephson. It serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of unselfishly serving and leading with character. I''ve highlighted in bold and in color below my favorite parts of the poem: Ready or not, some day it will all come to an end. There will be no more sunrises, no minutes, hours or days.

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5 Steps to Lay the Groundwork for Your NPO’s Social Media Plan

NonProfit Hub

'Nonprofits rely heavily on volunteers. And depending on what volunteers are willing and able to do, that means that logistical tasks can turn into roadblocks. Or even worse, something can get entirely skipped over. This day and age, social media plays a crucial role in your marketing strategy. Unfortunately, laying the groundwork for an effective and strategic social media plan tends to become one of the tasks that is skipped over and organizations’ posts begin to mirror that of a personal acco

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Nonprofit Technology Adoption: Why It Matters and How to Be Successful

Organizations like yours are increasingly realizing that technology adoption is only as good as the technology you choose. Statistics from a 2014 NTEN study show that seriously investing resources in training for your staff corresponds to higher adoption and ultimately technology effectiveness. In this report, we’ll give you a high-level overview of how to get your organization in shape for technology adoption and best practices for facilitating this critical process.