October, 2013

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29 Online Gift Stores That Benefit Nonprofits

Nonprofit Tech for Good

'The National Retail Federation is projecting that the average American holiday shopper will spend on $738 this holiday season generating more than $602 billion in total sales. That’s a lot of consumer spending power that when spent consciously can help finance nonprofits and good causes worldwide. It may cost a bit more to purchase fair trade and from nonprofits, but the quality is often better, the gifts more unique and meaningful, and consequently much less likely to end up the landfill

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6 Tips For Engaging And Retaining Your Nonprofit’s ‘BIG’ Supporters


'Image courtesy of Etiquette Consulting Inc. It is said time and time again, “donors are the lifeblood of our nonprofit.” Literally, they keep charity alive and help nonprofit organizations grow and flourish, so how do you keep your donors and sponsors interested in your nonprofit for years to come? The first step for any nonprofit, is to either build or buy a constituent relationship management system (CRM) to create a history of each supporter, recording their donations, if they vo

Support 230

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The Cloud for Nonprofits


'VisionLink attended the Annual Colorado Nonprofit Association Conference last week to meet many of Colorado''s wonderful nonprofiteers as well as the companies who support them. As always, we attended a few sessions to learn what was going on in the nonprofit world and to hear about the hottest topics in nonprofit technology. One session we attended was hosted by SolveIT and discussed nonprofits and ''the cloud.

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Newest Changes to Twitter and Facebook

NCE Social Media

'Twitter recently announced that they were going to start allowing people who follow your account on Twitter, regardless if you follow them back, to send you direct messages on Twitter. It’s also been reported that you cannot have and weblinks in your Twitter direct messages. Other than spam from companies trying to sell you goods, how do you think this will impact you and your organization?

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How To Cultivate Community Affinity Throughout The Generosity Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio, Director of Corporate Brand

This session will dive into how to create rich generosity experiences that foster long-lasting relationships. You’ll walk away with actionable insights to redefine how you engage with your supporters—emphasizing trust, engagement, and community over transactional giving models. 🤝 Industry expert Tim Sarrantonio will explore data-backed strategies to engage supporters as active participants in a community that values their contributions and shared ideals.

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Majora Carter’s Eco-Entrepreneurship

Beneblog: Technology Meets Society

'Majora Carter is on a quest to save the world one community at a time. That’s because she believes that no one should have to leave his or her neighborhood to live in a better one. Granted, this is an audacious goal, but Majora’s unique approach to urban renewal has already led to successful revitalization initiatives in her native South Bronx, N.Y., and she’s well underway bringing positive change to many more communities.

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Generational Giving By the Numbers

Wild Apricot

'"All generations are not created equal" and they all have different charitable giving habits and behavior trends. Here''s a look at The Next Generation of American and Canadian Giving reports and insight that impacts fundraising strategies.

More Trending

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8 Steps For Preparing For Giving Tuesday


'Giving Tuesday is essentially ‘Black Friday,’ but for nonprofits. Started in 2012 by Henry Timms, chief executive officer (CEO) of the 92Y: Cultural Institution and Community Center. This novel idea becoming increasingly popular among other nonprofits, growing on social feeds such as TWitter with the hashtag #GivingTuesday (you’ve probably seen it).

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How to Use Design Thinking to Improve Your Nonprofit’s Digital Strategy

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

'Last week, I was lucky enough to participate in a brainstorming meeting at a foundation that was developing a strategy for its digital platforms (web, social, mobile, etc). The process was facilitated byPeter Maher, founder and CEO, of Luma Institute. We used some Human Centered Design techniques from their “ Innovating for People ” design methods recipe book.

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What Social Media is Cool with Teens?

NCE Social Media

'It seems that teens change their mind as often as we think. One day they like something, the next day they don’t. Well it isn’t any different with their choice of social media. Teens want to be able to express themselves but also not do so in front of their parents. A recent story in the NY Times highlights studies that founds teens are more interested in using Twitter this year versus last year.

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Why is real teamwork so rare?

ASU Lodestar Center

'posted by Mark French. Chief Financial Officer. Blueprint Education. “Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare” (Patrick Lencioni). I believe teamwork is rare because our organizations are built in opposition to working as a team. The key to maximizing community impact is making sure everyone in the organization is pulling in the same direction.

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The Retention Ripple Effect: Nonprofit Staff and Donor Dynamics

Speaker: Andrew Olsen, CFRE - EVP, Fundraising Solutions at DickersonBakker | Kat Landa, CFRE, CSD - SVP, Talent Solutions at DickersonBakker

Across the nonprofit sector, organizations invest heavily in donor retention efforts, yet the struggle of cultivating lasting relationships remains. While attracting new donors is crucial, the lack of repeat donors poses significant financial risks. Through a comprehensive analysis of industry data, experts argue that there is a direct correlation between donor burnout, donor retention, and the talent retention crisis.

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Using Members and Supporters to Get Your Message Out

Wild Apricot

'Here''s an Apricot Jam link round-up with 4 posts offering tips, advice and resources to help non-profits and associations spread your message via your members or supporters.

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Five Reasons Why Your Nonprofit Must Prioritize the Mobile Web in 2014

Nonprofit Tech for Good

'The Mobile Web is often discussed as a future trend that nonprofits have time to prepare for, but the reality is that by the end of 2014, the majority of your supporters and donors will be viewing your website, email communications, blogs, and social media content on smartphones and tablets. In truth, the Mobile Web is already here. Going mobile will not be free and for many small nonprofits a costly upgrade, but to successfully communicate your mission and programs and fundraise online in

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Infographic: 10 Nonprofit Communication Trends From 2013


'In 2013, nonprofits looked forward to integrating communication channels to increase effectiveness, but are hesitant to try something new. While nonprofits want to increase the effectiveness of their communication with supporters, but according to NonprofitMarketingGuide.com nonprofits feel they face many challenges: 41% of nonprofits are restricted by their budget when it comes to improving improving their communication strategy.

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How Your Nonprofit Can Make the Most of Its LinkedIn Profile

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

'Note from Beth: We are seeing more and more nonprofits use LinkedIn for organizational goals – from its powerful board recruitment tool to setting up company pages (see Ten Must Follow Nonprofits on LinkedIn ). If your nonprofit decides to set up a presence on LinkedIn, check out how some of the early adopters are engaging with followers and the content they are sharing to help you get some ideas for you plan.

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Nonprofits Are Leveraging the Cloud, but Does It Have to Be So Complex?

Effectively managing cloud technology is getting more complex. From cybersecurity concerns, vendor lock-in, cost increases, or lack of transparency on costs, it can quickly get out of control. Knowing what you can control and finding a platform that’s built with nonprofits in mind is key.

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A reflection from two talks

NCE Social Media

'In the past week I’ve given two talks to two different groups on the same subject – social media and fundraising. The first group was a group of 32 professionals who work or volunteer for nonprofit organizations through the Foundation Center located at the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. The second group was a group of 18 graduate students in a Nonprofit Communications course at Point Park University.

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Reframing and the human coordination show

ASU Lodestar Center

'posted by Alexander Laing. Principal Clarinet. Phoenix Symphony. I make my living working for an organization that is used as a metaphor in business writing all the time – the symphony orchestra. Most of the time the orchestra metaphor is used as an example of a high functioning team made up of specialists in pursuit of excellence. Sometimes it is pointed to as an example of the limits of hyper specialization and silos (because, for instance, the timpanist cannot offer much to the cellist in te

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Six Tips to Magnetize Your Association’s Website

Wild Apricot

'This guest post by by Doreen Ashton Wagner and Jeff Chabot of Greenfield Services offers six tips to guide your journey as you improve your website’s appeal.

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5 Mobile Fundraising Apps for Do-Gooders and Nonprofits

Nonprofit Tech for Good

'Since the launch of the iPhone on June 29, 2007 many mobile fundraising apps have been released, but few have been successful. Some apps were based on good ideas, but ahead of their time and others simply weren’t good enough to keep users interested. Six years later the design and functionality of fundraising apps has improved significantly. Still in their infancy, it’s assured that mobile apps will play a dominant fundraising role in the future and nonprofits would be wise to downl

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Nonprofit Technology Kick Start: Free World Class Board Meeting Software

Looking for cost reductions for your nonprofit? Why not consider modernizing with a digital board management system that's designed to work with remote meetings, with immediate cost reductions if you still distribute paper packets to members? Get going in less than an hour on a fully hosted cloud solution built on the latest technology that runs on any device - from desktops to tablets and smartphones - without any installation.

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4 Ways a CRM Improves Your Nonprofit’s ROI And Pleases Your Board


'Image courtesy of Waiting for the Elevator. Can your nonprofit even measure its return on investments (ROI)? Putting together an ROI report can be time consuming, but can also lead to great data and help you find ways to trim costs without shirking quality. Constituent relationship management systems (CRM) are a great way to automate data collection, aggregation, and build financial, business, and operational reports–all of which are going to help you the next time you meet with your boar

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Guest Post: Celebrating Beth’s Five Years As Visiting Scholar at the Packard Foundation

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

'Click to See Larger Image and Scroll. Note from Beth: Yesterday, I was the honored guest at a Google Hangout hosted by the Packard Foundation to celebrate the work that I have done over the last five years as Visiting Scholar at the Packard Foundation. It was wonderful to see colleagues in the room and online, reflect on the work, and talk about next steps.

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How Do We Measure Nonprofit Effectiveness?


'Nell Edgington. President. Social Velocity. If each nonprofit organization is now creating their own theory of change, and their own outcome and impact measurements, how do we compare those to another nonprofit’s outcome and impact measures?

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NextGen philanthropists and the transfer of intergenerational wealth

ASU Lodestar Center

'posted by Patsy Kraeger, Ph.D. Welcome to Research Friday! As part of a. continuing series, we invite a nonprofit scholar, student, or professional to. highlight current research reports or studies and discuss how they can. inform and improve day-to-day nonprofit practice. In the coming decades, over 40 trillion dollars will change hands. While a large portion of this wealth will be designated for charitable giving, the people who will inherit this wealth—and direct the charitable giving—are re

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Donor Engagement Guide: 8 Key Steps to Better Retain and Engage Donors

Are your donors your biggest fans, or are you lacking donor loyalty? The truth is, your donors have expectations of what their relationship with your organization should look like. This ebook will help you learn how to live up to those expectations!

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Giving Thanks For Your Members – Old and New

Wild Apricot

'Since we''re celebrating the Canadian Thanksgiving holiday, we''re wondering: are you giving thanks for and staying connected with your members - old and new?

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The Power of Kawaii for Nonprofit Social Media Managers

Nonprofit Tech for Good

'Via Zoo Atlanta: Polar Bear Cubs (Endangered). Looking at cute images, particularly those of baby animals, has been proven to increase our brain’s concentration levels for a short time afterwards. The Power of Kawaii (a Japanese word meaning “cute”) can help nonprofit social media managers be more productive and also help counterbalance the flood of negative images that we are exposed to as a by-product of emerging ourselves into the 24/7 news cycle.

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7 Tips For Building Nonprofit Supporter Profiles


'Image courtesy of iwillradio.tv.online. Donors, volunteers, partners, and sponsors are considered the “life blood” of nonprofit organizations and foundations. Therefore each individual relationship, interaction, and correspondence with these supporters is vital to a nonprofit’s overall sustainability. Celia Astheimer, a CRM Consultant at Tech Impact, helps nonprofits find sustainable solutions for managing their growing supporter database.

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Digital Analytics Basics: Free Online Academy from Google

Beth's Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media

'For many nonprofits, Google Analytics is the tool of choice for measuring traffic, reach, engagement, and action primarily because it is free. While it is somewhat easy to use, some of the more valuable features may require a little tutoring to understand and use. That training was either expensive or a hodge podge of low cost webinars and free video tutorials available on the web.

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Nonprofit Technology Adoption: Why It Matters and How to Be Successful

Organizations like yours are increasingly realizing that technology adoption is only as good as the technology you choose. Statistics from a 2014 NTEN study show that seriously investing resources in training for your staff corresponds to higher adoption and ultimately technology effectiveness. In this report, we’ll give you a high-level overview of how to get your organization in shape for technology adoption and best practices for facilitating this critical process.

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Measuring and Reporting Nonprofit Outcomes


'Gina Edwards. VP, Marketing & Communications. Heart of Illinois United Way. Outcomes are not just visions or goals. They are specific changes or benefits that include a transformation in knowledge, attitudes, values, skills, behaviors or conditions. Outcome information and measurement are the not-for-profit equivalents of the for-profit industry's return on investment.

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Writing as a Spiritual Practice with Pat Schneider

Have Fun - Do Good

'"The thing that I have learned through my own practice, and writing this book, is that the dragon is there guarding it for me." ~ Pat Schneider As some of you know, in addition to the Big Vision Podcast , I also produce the Arts and Healing Podcast for the Arts and Healing Network. This month, I posted an interview with Pat Schneider, the author of How the Light Gets In: Writing as a Spiritual Practice.

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How Can Boards Help ED’s Thrive?

Wild Apricot

'What role should your board play in ensuring your executive director is motivated and energized instead of burnt out and disengaged?

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Free Webinar on October 23! Five Reasons Why Your Nonprofit Should Prioritize the Mobile Web in 2014

Nonprofit Tech for Good

'Date: Wednesday, October 23, 2013. Time: 1pm-1:45pm EDT. Cost: Free. How to Register: Sign up ! Presented by: Heather Mansfield. View: Complete Webinar Schedule. Webinar Description System Requirements. The Mobile Web is often discussed as a future trend that nonprofits have time to prepare for, but the reality is that by the end of 2014, the majority of your supporters and donors will be viewing your website and social media content on smartphones and tablets.

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How to Design a Seamless & Personalized Digital Donor Journey

Speaker: Tim Sarrantonio

The average nonprofit uses five or more different software platforms to create their donor’s journey, making the experience clunky and disjointed. If you want to design a magical online giving experience for donors, making their journey as seamless as possible is key. In this webinar with expert Tim Sarrantonio, you’ll learn the fundamental steps to create an immersive and personalized online giving experience for your donors.