How does Nimble AMS empower legacy AMS users?

Is your legacy association management software (AMS) causing your organization to feel stuck? If so, you’re not alone! Many associations that have leveraged the same technology for years may believe it’s their only option because it’s the software solution they’ve always known. This situation can leave many users feeling trapped.  
Learn how Nimble AMS empowers legacy AMS users to decrease lowvalue staff processes and elevate the member experience.  

Three ways Nimble AMS empowers legacy AMS users

Three ways Nimble AMS empowers legacy AMS users 

Are you ready to leave behind your legacy system? Here’s how Nimble AMS can empower your organization:  

1. User-friendly reporting. In legacy AMS systems, reporting is often complicated, requiring a developer or IT team to customize and build lists, as well as create queries and reports. When associations upgrade their legacy software to the next version, many experience reports that don’t transfer and must be rebuilt to ensure functionality.

Nimble AMS has hundreds of pre-built list view queries, reports, and dashboards. You can easily build lists, queries, reports, and dashboards to meet your specific association needs, all with point-and-click configuration, and requiring no code.

Leverage Nimble Create to build information-rich-content content for personalized customer-facing reports such as invoices, statements, and more. And with Unified Reports, your staff can see both organization and individual members in one report. 

“Moving to Nimble AMS has made my job so much easier. It also gives us more insight into our data to help us make better business decisions. The product is so flexible, and there’s so much we’re able to do ourselves. At the same time, the service we get from the Nimble AMS team is unmatched – it feels like we have a whole extra team behind us,” said Courtney Patterson, Senior Director of Information Management and Constituent Experience at NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education.

2. Continuous innovation. Customers with legacy AMS systems experience a lack of innovation because of an inconsistent upgrade schedule. Often, customers can be on multiple versions of the same AMS, causing confusion and issues if systems need to communicate. Because platform upgrades are not scheduled consistently, when it’s time to update software, it can be quite expensive for an association and can even break a system. 
Nimble AMS offers continuous innovation with seamless upgrades three times a year. All Nimble AMS customers stay on the same version, at no additional charge to the customer, helping you to leverage the latest technology for your association. When you choose Nimble AMS, you get modern technology with three annual updates, meaning no upgrades will ever risk breaking your system.  

“As an Executive Director, it is huge to not have to spend tens of thousands of dollars on outside consultants just to make sure things don’t break with every upgrade. I can now spend that money on value-added things. It’s liberating. That was impossible in our old system. Things just work now. I realize that shouldn’t be shocking, but it is,” said Bruce Moe, Executive Director of Missouri State Teachers Association (MSTA).

3. Seamless integrations. Legacy AMS users report a lack of software integration options and challenges with the application programming interface (API). Sometimes data can become scattered across different systems creating data silos, leading to inaccurate reporting, and creating more work for staff.   
Nimble AMS has strong integration abilities for complex third-party systems including the Community Brand suite of products for job board and career software, event management technology, and learning management software.  
Take integration further with the Salesforce AppExchange, granting you access to over 7,000 applications for your organization. If you need even more options, leverage Nimble Fuse to connect your teams and systems, keeping all running seamlessly.

Learn how the Massachusetts Dental Society (MDS) leveraged Nimble AMS, boosting integration capabilities with advanced marketing solutions, learning management software, and events management technology, leading to an enhanced member experience.

Discover how Nimble AMS can empower your organization

Want to learn how Nimble AMS can empower legacy AMS users to launch their organizations into the future? Read our Nimble AMS Success Story: Illinois ABSO

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