This blog series aims to equip charities with the knowledge and tools needed to navigate uncertainty effectively, leveraging opportunity and risk analysis for decision-making, and creating adaptive structures for sustained success. Check out Part 1 of the article series.

In the realm of charity work, every choice carries weight, potentially shaping countless lives. Whether it’s allocating resources, launching new initiatives, or forging partnerships, the impact is profound. With such high stakes and little room for error, strategic decision-making becomes crucial. By leveraging opportunities and managing risks effectively, charities can chart a course toward improved outcomes and greater community impact.

In Part 1 of our blog series, we discussed how leadership navigates uncertainty and cultivates adaptability within charitable organizations. Now in Part 2, we explore the significance of opportunity and risk analysis in charity decision-making. We’ll uncover proactive strategies for capitalizing on opportunities while mitigating risks. Additionally, we will illustrate these concepts with practical examples, demonstrating how charities can effectively apply analyses to make informed and strategic decisions.

The importance of opportunity & risk analysis in charity decision-making

Charities operate within a dynamic landscape filled with both opportunities and risks, and effectively managing them is integral to the current and future success of the organization.

Opportunities in achieving organizational objectives can present themselves in various forms, such as new funding sources, collaborations with like-minded entities, or emerging trends within the communities they serve. Conversely, risk analysis enables organizations to anticipate and mitigate potential threats to their objectives, whether they pertain to strategy, day-to-day functioning, or reputation.

Opportunity and risk analysis serve as invaluable tools for decision-makers. By systematically evaluating potential opportunities and risks to objectives, charities can make informed choices that align with their mission and maximize their impact. Failing to assess and address these opportunities and risks can lead to missed growth opportunities and, in more severe cases, unforeseen setbacks.

Proactive approaches to identify and capitalize on opportunities and risks

Taking proactive approaches to identify and capitalize on opportunities and risks is essential in charity decision-making. It goes beyond passive observation, requiring deliberate action and strategic alignment.

To be most effective, opportunity and risk analysis tools must be anchored to a strategic goal or objective that the charity wishes to achieve. Without that context, decisions and actions may veer off course from the organization’s vision.

One method that embodies this strategic alignment is the Objective Centric Risk and Uncertainty Management (OCRUM[1]) designed by Tim Leech of Risk Oversight Solutions. Over my decade-long experience working with this approach across various organizations, including charities[2], I’ve witnessed its effectiveness firsthand.

Aligned with ISO 31000 standards, OCRUM enables organizations to manage uncertainty by evaluating its effects on objectives. The three principles that I have found to be most impactful for charities are as follows:

  1. Structured and Comprehensive: An effective objective-centric approach offers charities a structured framework to navigate complexity. By systematically assessing opportunities and risks to objectives, organizations can make decisions that align with their long-term goals and adapt to changing environments, bolstering resilience and agility.
  2. Dynamic: Recognizing that opportunities and risks to objectives are ever-evolving, an effective objective-centric approach encourages continuous assessment. Charities are prompted to actively scan their surroundings, engage stakeholders, and evaluate internal capabilities, enabling them to anticipate and effectively respond to changes that will impact their objectives.
  3. Inclusive: By fostering an inclusive environment, an effective objective-centric approach taps into the collective wisdom of organizational talent. Incorporating diverse viewpoints ensures that decisions are well-informed and relevant, enhancing opportunity and risk management capabilities across the charity.

In essence, adopting proactive and inclusive approaches to opportunity and risk analysis empowers charities to navigate uncertainty effectively, fostering resilience and positive outcomes for their mission-driven work.

Practical examples of opportunity & risk analysis in charity decision-making

Let’s explore practical examples of how charities can use an objective-centric approach to analyzing opportunities and risks, guiding their decisions and preparing for uncertainties impacting their objectives.

Expanding Program Reach: Imagine a charity with an objective to provide healthcare services to underserved communities. Using an objective-centric approach, the charity examines both its external environment and internal capabilities. This analysis unveils various influences, both opportunities and risks, that will impact their objective. Understanding the community dynamics, the charity may decide that targeted interventions using mobile clinics to reach marginalized populations will achieve its objective. Concurrently, the analysis may reveal potential challenges, such as funding constraints, and direct the charity to proactively address this risk.

Diversifying Fundraising Strategies: In light of economic uncertainties, many charities seek to strengthen their financial stability by diversifying funding sources. An opportunity and risk analysis for this objective may reveal untapped funding sources such as corporate partnerships, crowdfunding campaigns, or social enterprise ventures. Simultaneously, it may highlight risks like donor fatigue or regulatory changes. With this information, the charity can tailor its fundraising strategies to mitigate risks while maximizing opportunities, increasing the chances of achieving the objective.

Managing Reputation: For charities, maintaining a positive reputation is paramount for garnering public trust and support. Although many charities implicitly understand the importance of reputation, explicitly stating reputation objectives can provide clarity on the elements critical to maintaining it. By conducting an opportunity and risk analysis focused on a reputation objective, charities gain insights into the factors influencing their reputation positively and negatively. With this understanding, charities can proactively leverage good news to bolster their reputation while swiftly addressing events that may tarnish it.

By employing an objective-centric approach, charities can effectively analyze opportunities and risks to their objectives enabling them to take action that mitigates vulnerabilities, capitalizes on emerging trends, and increases their chances of success.


As we wrap up Part 2 of our blog series, “Strategic Decision-Making: Using Opportunity & Risk Analysis for Better Outcomes,” we’ve explored the pivotal role of strategic decision-making in guiding the path of charities through uncertain times. By embracing an objective-centric risk approach, charities effectively harness the power of opportunity and risk analysis to make informed decisions that increase their chances of achieving their objectives and promoting long-term sustainability.

As the philanthropic landscape continues to evolve, it’s clear that adopting these analytic approaches will be essential for charities to not only adapt but also innovate and thrive in an ever-changing world.

Stay tuned for more valuable insights and practical tips in Part 3, “Building Adaptive Structures: Navigating Uncertainty Across Areas.” In this next instalment, we’ll explore the importance of creating adaptive structures within charitable organizations. These structures not only encourage and value diverse perspectives for effective decision-making but also empower frontline staff to identify and address daily challenges, thereby contributing to effective risk management. Stay tuned as we provide actionable steps for charities to implement adaptive structures in their organizations, fostering resilience and agility in the face of uncertainty.

Angela Byrne is a trusted Advisor and Consultant to boards of directors, C-Suite, and senior government officials in sectors that protect and serve the public, such as charities, regulators and government. Specializing in risk, technology, and finance, for over 30 years, Angela has been privileged to work closely with organizations that are at the forefront of change. By harnessing the power of technologies and integrating diverse viewpoints, Angela has facilitated organizational change to nurture strategic growth and enable lasting success.

She is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) and Certified Management Accountant (CMA) and holds certifications in governance, risk management assurance, information systems auditing and internal audit.

She can be reached at


[2] Please note “objective centric” risk approaches are not all designed the same and vary in their effectiveness. My following comments on effectiveness and examples are specific to the OCRUM approach. In using another objective centric approach, charities will want to ensure the features mentioned are incorporated into the approach.