[Webinar] A 4-Step Process to Generate Dozens of Donor Leads Every Month

As fundraisers and development staff it is an awful feeling when your mind goes blank. Unfortunately, your assumptions and approach are likely hindering your progress. To run a development program like an NFL Quarterback, fundraisers need to change their mindset and be more flexible in how they handle donor leads. In short, fundraisers CAN work smarter instead of harder.

In this session, we will walk through three phases to identify, approach, and generate donor leads with speaker, Chris Barlow, Customer Happiness Director, Beeline Marketing.

Phase 1: The Problem

  • Why you’re struggling to consistently get new donor leads (it’s your assumptions and approach)
  • The mindset change needed (“if you build it” vs. meeting donor leads where they are and giving them what they want)

Phase 2: The Better Approach:

  • Offer something of value
  • Work smarter, not harder; ensure you get new leads by providing something that has proven demand and perceived value (how to research quantitative and qualitative demand)

Phase 3: The 4-Step Process to generate donor leads:

  • Plan & Create Lead Magnet (your expertise, market research, format)
  • Offer Lead Magnet (Landing page, TY Donation page)
  • Promote Resource
  • Engage & Qualify leads

Session’s Key Takeaways:

  • see the key to effectively grow your donor base with any kind of marketing campaign
  • learn how to research what your donors want and provide it to them
  • learn an effective strategy to amplify your promotional efforts
  • get tips on how to qualify leads and turn them into donors on autopilot

About your Speaker

Chris Barlow, Customer Happiness Director, Beeline Marketing

Expecting to work in a cause-focused career or ministry when he grew up, Chris was surprised to discover a passion for business. In 2015 he founded Beeline and came full-circle through helping nonprofits expand their mission and grow their donor base. Chris loves marketing, considers himself the Customer Happiness Director, but most impressive of all his skills, is how he masterfully puts his two youngest boys down for their naps every day.


Abigail Quinlan

Content + Education @ CauseVox

Chris Barlow

Customer Happiness Director @ Beeline Marketing

The goodies: