Fellow advocates of change – I’m glad you’ve found your way here. As you read through this blog post – and move on to deep-dive into our Case Studies and participate in the RISE Program after 🤞🏻 – imagine me as your co-pilot, sharing not just theories but battle-tested tactics that have steered organizations toward success. I’ve witnessed the tangible impact of human-centric design in the real world – where it matters most.

In the nonprofit realm, trust is the currency that fuels progress. It’s the essence of every connection forged, every dollar donated, and every life touched. So, let’s cut through the noise and get straight to the heart of how human-centric design can be your reliable compass in the journey toward sustainable, impactful change, that’s built on trust.

Let me walk you through two challenge scenarios inspired by real changes implemented by participants using a human-centred approach as part of the RISE program. You too can turn your challenges into opportunities!


Imagine this: Charity X is on a mission to provide vital services, but they’re constantly battling the ebb and flow of funds. Donations are erratic, and securing consistent financial support feels like navigating a maze blindfolded.

In the traditional approach, the charity might resort to more fundraising events, hoping sheer volume will translate to stability. But wait, there’s a better way!

The Human-Centric Exercise: Empathy Mapping

What is it? Empathy mapping involves putting yourself in the shoes of your donors, supporters, and beneficiaries to truly understand their needs, desires, and challenges.

Crucial Steps:

  1. Stakeholder Interviews: Engage with donors and beneficiaries in candid conversations.
  2. Journey Mapping: Plot the emotional highs and lows of their experience with your charity.
  3. Identify Pain Points: Highlight areas where engagement, understanding, or experience falls short.
The Solution: Tailored Donor Engagement

By empathizing with donors, Charity X discovered that many supporters craved a more personalized connection. They revamped their approach, sending tailored updates and exclusive content, and creating a sense of belonging. The result? Donors felt appreciated and connected, leading to a more reliable and sustained stream of donations.


  • Faster Response: Donors responded quicker to personalized appeals.
  • Better Engagement: A stronger emotional connection led to increased engagement.
  • Long-Lasting Impact: The relationships built endured beyond individual campaigns.


Now, let’s talk about Charity Y. They’re drowning in paperwork, struggling to keep up with evolving regulations. Navigating the complex legal landscape feels like a never-ending nightmare.

Traditionally, they might hire more compliance experts or invest heavily in legal advice. But here’s a human-centric twist!

The Human-Centric Exercise: Design Thinking Workshop

What is it? Design thinking involves collaborative brainstorming to solve complex problems creatively.

Crucial Steps:

  1. Diverse Team Formation: Bring together individuals from different departments and skill sets.
  2. Ideation Sessions: Encourage free-flowing, creative discussions around compliance challenges.
  3. Prototyping Solutions: Develop practical, user-friendly solutions to compliance issues.

The Solution: Compliance Toolkit

Through the design thinking workshop, Charity Y created a user-friendly compliance toolkit. It included easy-to-understand guides, FAQs, and interactive modules for staff training. Suddenly, compliance became more of an ally than an adversary.


  • Faster Training: Staff quickly adapted to the toolkit, reducing the learning curve.
  • Better Understanding: Complex regulations became digestible, fostering a culture of compliance.
  • Long-Term Efficiency: The toolkit evolved with changing regulations, ensuring ongoing compliance.

Now that you’ve reviewed two scenarios where charities embraced human-centric design, imagine these methods not as distant theories but as proven strategies, your companions in the journey toward change.

In our exploration, you witnessed how Charity X crafted tailored donor engagements and Charity Y revolutionized compliance through human-centric exercises. Now, imagine a program that magnifies these principles, empowering your organization to navigate the path of innovation seamlessly. Enter RISE.

RISE Overview: A Catalyst for Nonprofit Evolution

Funded by Immigration, Refugee and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), RISE is a tailored innovation training program for settlement service providers and nonprofits. This self-guided initiative, designed to enhance services and delivery, guides organizations through an iterative process. By deeply understanding user needs, challenging assumptions, and redefining problems, RISE empowers participants to create innovative solutions focused on end-users, culminating in a pilot program for new service delivery systems and products.

How RISE Works:

  • Virtual & Self-Guided: Learn and innovate on your terms with a fully virtual, self-guided program.
  • Tailored for You: Define challenges, focus areas, and uncover personalized ways to serve.
  • User-Centric Focus: Design programs that authentically resonate with the needs of beneficiaries.
  • Practical, Actionable Insights: Immediate application of tools, frameworks, and real-world examples.
  • Free. Forever: Accessible to all Canadian charities and nonprofits without financial barriers.
  • Proven Track Record: Join a community of successful RISE alumni redefining impact and effectiveness.

Ready to RISE? Register now and participate in RISE – where transformative innovation meets your mission.

Lydia Da Cruz is a founding employee and Director of Innovation Strategy & Program Development at Hackworks. There, she works with clients to bring startup speed and technology innovation methodologies to companies, non-profits and charities of all sizes.