Gamification engagement: How Nimble AMS makes it easy to increase member engagement

Member engagement is a vital aspect of every association’s engagement strategy. All association professionals seek to increase user engagement. According to the latest Community Brands research, 90% of association professionals are developing or improving member engagement opportunities.   

But how can your organization boost member engagement? It’s time to begin leveraging gamification to increase engagement.  

Read our blog to discover how gamification increases user engagement and for helpful best practice engagement strategies.  

What is gamification and how does it increase engagement?

Gamification is the application of game mechanics – such as challenges, points, and rewards – to non-game situations, like member interactions or networking. Gamification can be a powerful tool to boost member involvement and customer loyalty. For example, your local coffee shop, restaurant, hotel, or other business might use reward programs to drive customer loyalty— that is gamification.

Today, most leading brands use gamification as part of their customer loyalty strategies—70% of the global 2000 companies use gamification. The reason? Gamification increases user engagement and retention.   

How does gamification help increase member engagement? 

Gamification increases engagement by making your association membership more exciting and entertaining. Your association can leverage association management software (AMS) to gamify membership, rewarding members for participating in your virtual events, online member community, career advancement opportunities, and more.   
Gamification is a powerful tool. Community Brands research reports that association members who view their organization as an early adopter of technology (using features like gamification) are more satisfied, more connected, more likely to renew, and more likely to promote their organization.

How your association can use gamification to increase member engagement

Gamification is a great way to keep your members invested in your association. Rewarding and encouraging members to participate in your organization’s activities can boost member engagement and retention.   

So, how can your organization begin investing in gamification? Follow these tips to get started:

1. Online member community. Gamify your online member community by rewarding members for their participation in your virtual community. Try creating badges for member time logged, questions asked, or relevant questions answered. Through these badges, members can see their activity and participation in your online community, fostering a playful spirit of friendly competition. 
To deepen member engagement, consider promoting prizes. Encourage members to earn prizes, like gift cards or branded merchandise, as a reward for various participation levels in your online community. This approach offers a tangible gift for members to work toward. 

TECH TIP: The Nimble AMS built-in online member community, Nimble Communities, allows you to easily set up and host a branded virtual community for association members. By using gamification features in Nimble Communities, you can automatically recognize your most active members with custom badges on their community profiles and set up dashboards for insights into how members are participating.

2. Gamify learning. Did you know that 67% of learners preferred gamified courses or learning experiences? Inspire members to choose your learning program to meet their professional development needs with gamification.  
Based on your member engagement strategy, include an engagement score or rating in your AMS member portal. This personalized feature can exemplify how involved each member is in your association. Your member portal can also streamline credit and certification tracking, keeping members on track to enroll in their next continuing education course.   

TECH TIP: Nimble AMS offers an engagement summary page for members to show their overall engagement, including a personalized involvement status, interaction level, and influence score. Each formula field is highly configurable and can be managed to meet your engagement needs.

Event engagement. Gamify your member’s event engagement by leveraging your AMS. In your member portal, encourage your members to earn engagement points by attending an event or conference.  
Reward even more points for members who contribute to your events by speaking, volunteering, sponsoring, advertising, or purchasing event exhibitions.

TECH TIP: Nimble AMS helps you track all member data with Persons Accounts so you can view organization and individual members in a single, easy-to-access location. Assign a member engagement score when you pull reports to see which organizations purchased advertisements, sponsorships, or exhibitions and which individuals spoke at or attended your events.

4. Boost overall member involvement. Encourage your members to stay at your association and deepen their connections by gamifying membership. Consider rewarding points for members who volunteer on committees, attend town halls, work as an ambassador, or help as a mentor. 
To boost member retention, try setting up automated rewards for membership anniversaries. This approach adds value to membership longevity and shows members how much you care.

TECH TIP: Use the Nimble AMS Committee function to easily organize constituent groups like ambassadors, volunteer groups, and committee membership. Committee management allows staff to document member participation and term information, making gamification efforts easier.

5. Career advancement. Encourage your members to turn to your association for all their career resource needs. Create a personalized engagement score for members who leverage your job board or attend networking events.  
Reward extra points to members who participate or volunteer in your mentorship program, post jobs or internships on your job board, or contribute helpful industry insights for career advancement.  

Leverage gamification to increase member engagement

Are you ready to add gamification to your member engagement strategy? Discover even more ways to enhance member engagement at your association. Read our free whitepaper today: Seven tips to boost association member engagement.





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