What to Do When Your AMS Vendor Forces You into a Costly Upgrade

Tirrah Switzer

February 2, 2022

    If you’re being required to move to a new version of your legacy AMS system, it’s an ideal time to consider your other options.Nimble AMS 30th Release Logo

    Here’s why a new, modern AMS just might be a better fit for your association

    children being shown a dinosaur skeleton by a teacherIf you’ve been using legacy association management software (AMS) for several years, you know how tough product upgrades can be. But as if the pain and cost of major upgrades weren’t enough to make you cringe, what do you do when your AMS vendor tells you that you must move to their latest product version by a particular deadline? 

    We’re not talking about a minor product update with some extra functionality and enhancements and maybe a few bug fixes. This is a big change for your organization. It brings up concerns, including: 

    • How disruptive will this be for your staff? 
    • How much will it cost? 
    • How long will it take? 
    • Will you lose all of the customizations you’ve invested in over the years? 

    You didn’t ask for this. You don’t particularly want it. And you didn’t plan for the time, cost, and headache involved.  

    So, now what? 

    Rethinking your AMS options
    If you’re faced with changing to a new version of your system anyway, it’s a great opportunity to take a step back and consider your other options. A modern AMS just might be a betterNimble AMS Rocket choice for your organization. 

    For example, Nimble AMS, built on the Salesforce platform, frees your organization from the costs and hassles of outdated AMS systems so you can focus on what’s important: delivering value to your association and your members. In addition to delivering modern functionality, including predictive analytics and artificial intelligence, process automation, and online community, Nimble AMS offers the ideal product upgrade model. 

    Here are three ways that Nimble AMS makes painful product upgrades a thing of the past: 

    1. Nimble AMS follows the Salesforce approach to upgrades.
    As a Salesforce partner, Nimble AMS releases continuous upgrades in tandem with Salesforce seasonal releases. So, you get three product releases from Nimble AMS and three from Salesforce each and every year.

    Nimble AMS just reached a big milestone of 30 releases. That’s a full decade of following the Salesforce seasonal release model.

    2. All customers are on the same version of Nimble AMS.
    Nimble AMS customers are always on the latest version of Nimble AMS. The software is automatically updated, so you’re always using the latest technology. And it’s pain-free.

    This is different from other AMS systems in which customers are operating on many different versions and do not have a clear path to upgrade to the most recent version without “breaking” customizations in their system.

    3. Product upgrades are automatic (at no additional charge).
    Nimble AMS provides you with a continuous stream of upgrades and innovation included in the cost of your software. So, you’re always using the latest in technology advances, automatically, and without hassles and extra fees. This isn’t the case with other AMS vendors, who sometimes charge an added fee for upgrades.

    Learn more.
    If you’re facing a forced move to a new version of your AMS, take the opportunity to explore other options and be sure you have the right technology in place for your organization.  

    Learn how Nimble AMS can help you move beyond traditional AMS systems to use modern technological innovation and access capabilities and features that once were available only to Fortune 500 companies: Explore Nimble AMS. 

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