The Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN), l’Assemblée de la Francophonie de l’Ontario (l’AFO) and their partners have engaged Community Researchers to evaluate the pandemic’s impact on the nonprofit sector.  Your nonprofit’s participation will help shape relief and recovery efforts by governments, funding bodies, and other organizations. The survey is a one-year follow up that will build on previous surveys by these organizations, most recently in June 2020

The 15-minute survey is confidential and should be completed by a senior representative from your nonprofit.  A French version is available and if you require other accommodations to complete the survey please email us.  This survey is open to all nonprofits, charities, and nonprofit cooperatives and social enterprises in Ontario with a public benefit mission, including grassroots groups and organizations that have shut down because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Please forward the survey to any other Ontario nonprofits in your network.

This survey closes June 4.

Bonus! Enter to win two free tickets to ONN’s Nonprofit Driven 2021. Click here to start the survey.