Trellis recently hosted an insightful webinar called “How to Turn Event Attendees into Longterm Donors,” where we revealed three simple steps to boost your organization’s fundraising efforts. If you missed the live session, don’t worry – you can catch the recording here

Now, let’s dive into the valuable lessons we learned and explore practical examples of how you can seamlessly implement these steps for greater success in your organization.

During the webinar, we stressed the importance of understanding where your donors come from. By gaining this valuable insight, you can strategically focus on fundraising channels that effectively engage your supporters and drive ticket sales for your event. To achieve this, we introduced the power of UTM affiliate links, custom website links that help track where your ticket purchasers come from, providing vital data to understand the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and enabling you to focus on the most effective channels.

To learn more about UTM affiliate links, and how to implement them in your organization, watch our webinar, Examples and Blueprints to Sell Out Your Next Fundraising Event

Once you know where your supporters are coming from, we discussed different ways to raise more funds for your cause. To create meaningful opportunities for your supporters to contribute during your event, consider streamlining your fundraising efforts by centralizing all activities in one place, just like the successful approach taken by Shuswap Trails Alliance. Their fundraising page offered various options like silent auctions, raffles, item purchases, and direct donations, making it easier for donors to participate. (Check out their strategy and success story here!)

Additionally, we explored the power of upselling, where you can raise more strategically by offering add-ons or event swag to supporters while encouraging them to donate on top of their raffle ticket purchases. Another effective tactic is encouraging donors to donate their auction bids, even if they don’t win, which can convert lost bids into unrestricted funds for your organization. Moreover, we introduced the concept of bundling popular items together, allowing purchasers to make a single purchase and engage in various fundraising elements of your event, presenting an excellent opportunity to include a donation for your cause.

Finally, we discussed how to turn your event attendees into long-term donors, it’s essential to focus on nurturing your supporters. Personalization and consistent, relevant communication are key. Additionally, utilize multiple channels to connect effectively and incorporate transitional calls to action to keep them engaged and inspired. And sharing exciting updates and progress reports will maintain their interest and build a strong bond with your cause, ultimately turning them into dedicated, long-term donors who champion your organization’s mission.

Armed with these powerful strategies, it’s beneficial to also explore technology partners to make this all possible and achieve your fundraising goals. During the webinar, we recommended two favourite platforms to support you on this journey. 

With your unwavering desire to raise more for your cause, success is within reach.

If you have any questions or need further guidance, don’t hesitate to watch the webinar recording or reach out to our dedicated team at Trellis. We are here to ensure your fundraising endeavours soar to new heights. Together, let’s make a lasting impact and drive positive change for your organization!