Develop a Case for Support to Elevate Every Fundraising Appeal

Developing a case for support is vital for every nonprofit that wants to create fundraising appeals that resonate with donors and bring results.

This purposeful process of gathering ideas, evidence, arguments and advice from your donors will help you to establish your importance in serving your community and create compelling reasons for donors to give to your organization.

You can then draw on your “donor approved” case for support, its arguments and its language, every time you craft an appeal, making the process strategic and efficient.

Key Takeaways: 

  • What is a case for support?
  • Strategies for developing a “donor approved” case for support.
  • The elements of a case for support.
  • How to use your case for support to craft successful appeals.

Melissa Sais and Kevin Wallace of help nonprofits across the country develop and utilize cases for support every day in their work planning and managing capital campaigns.

This one-hour session will prepare you to develop a case for support and use it to inform all of your fundraising appeals.

This session will also feature a live Q&A and be recorded for on-demand viewing.


Melissa Sais

Vice President and Partner @

Kevin Wallace

President and Partner @

The goodies: