Endeavour Volunteer Consulting is currently accepting applications until August 17 for nonprofits to receive pro-bono consulting for marketing, strategic, and operations projects. Endeavour Volunteer Consulting helps nonprofits with varied strategies to address challenges in funding, operations, research, marketing, branding, program development, piloting projects, and other challenges faced by leadership and teams today. Strong expert advice by diverse groups of pro-bono consultants is underpinned by sound research foundations, co-creating new, innovative solutions.

So many nonprofits have benefitted from solutions such as:

  • Depth of research informing organizational-level strategic growth
  • Establishing prioritization frameworks for strategic options
  • Clarity on future revenue-generators
  • Stakeholder-engagement strategies
  • Measurement and metrics benchmarking, dashboards, analysis, and insights

Resulting in some incredible outcomes like these:

  • Funding acquisition and diversification of revenue streams
  • Increase in number of partnerships
  • Cross-promotion with community partners for greater awareness
  • Greater visibility into data to leverage for decision-making
  • Program growth and greater capacity for service to communities

Take advantage of this incredible opportunity and apply for pro-bono consulting for your nonprofit organization, apply now.