Designing an Impactful Website to Inspire Stakeholder Action

Learn how to design your website to reflect your donors’ values and inspire them to take action.

Designing a compelling website starts with delving into your organization’s “why”. From there, it’s about crafting impactful narratives that resonate with your audience’s values and aspirations. Learn how to design a compelling website, intentionally directing supporters to engage and take action for your cause.

In this 45 minute session you’ll learn:

  • Starting with “Why”?: Understanding your organization’s reason for existence, and using this as a through-line for all messaging.
  • Determining “Job 1”: Your website is a powerful tool for your organization, we need to understand THE most important job to craft our actionable copy.
  • Creating your “Impact Story”: Understanding our “Why”, we’ll craft an impact story to connect the goals of the organizations to the emotional drivers of our audience and allow them to understand the impact they can have!
  • Designing the story for web: How to communicate our compelling mission and impact story to inspire more action on our website.


Picture of Lee Brennan
Lee Brennan

Creative Director @ Sunday Roast

Picture of Drew Jessup
Drew Jessup

Head of Growth Strategy @ Sunday Roast

The goodies: