Major Gifts Workshop: The Art of the Big Ask

Are you ready to revolutionize your fundraising efforts and take your organization’s major gifts to new heights? 

Join us for a power-packed, major gifts workshop, “The Art of the Big Ask” and gain insider knowledge and practical tools to supercharge your major gift fundraising efforts. 

This immersive experience brings together industry experts to share their insights and strategies on securing major gifts effectively. 

At this half-day workshop (12–4pm ET), you’ll walk away with:

  • Nail the art of the “big ask”, unlocking major gift acquisitions like never before.
  • Develop a solid stewardship framework for building lasting donor relationships and boosting retention rates.
  • Streamline your major gift management systems for impressive results, even with limited resources.
  • Inspire and engage your board members as passionate advocates for major gifts, amplifying your fundraising impact.
  • Apply capital campaign strategies to boost your fundraising game plan and achieve exceptional results.

You’ll unlock secrets to major gifts to transform your organization’s future and more!

The workshop will also feature live Q&A’s after each session and will be recorded for on-demand viewing.

Registration is free! Attend one or all of the amazing sessions! Register for the free workshop to get access to the live sessions, Q&A and recordings.


12 PM – Cracking the Major Gifts Code: A Small Shop’s Survival Guide by Kelly McLaughlin

Learn how to implement systems to manage your major gifts: think prioritizing, tracking, and getting things done without losing your sanity! Major gifts programs are within reach for every single nonprofit—even the smallest, most resource strapped.

In this session you’ll learn:

  • How to establish a major gifts program.
  • How to look at your current donor base to find major givers.
  • What steps will get your major gifts program off to a running start.

1 PM – Mission Possible: How MapMoveMeasure (™) Leads to Major Gift Triumph by Beth Saunders

Major gifts are the result of a journey you steward with individuals who are passionate about making your mission happen. They share your view of the world, they share your organization goals, and they want to help.

Using the MapMoveMeasure (™) framework ensures that you are using your limited resources wisely while offering more relevant and personalized opportunities for your donors to support your organization. Steward longer-term relationships and raise more money with your expertise and this strategic framework.

2 PM – Fundraising Secrets Revealed: Apply Capital Campaign Solicitation Strategies to Boost Major Gifts by Kevin Wallace and Melissa Sais

If you are interested in gaining the confidence to pursue major gifts, consider adding capital campaign solicitation strategies into your fundraising wheelhouse. By integrating these strategies and processes into your general fundraising efforts, you will set goals, identify donor prospects, create materials, and then educate, cultivate, solicit and steward those prospects at an appropriate level.

In this session you’ll learn:

  • Translate the steps of a capital campaign into your everyday fundraising.
  • Identify the cohesive materials that will carry you through the effort.
  • Gain an understanding of the donors on whom to focus using data and research.
  • New strategies to cultivate, ask and steward those donors at an appropriate level and in a personal way.

3 PM – Major Gifts Made Easy: Unlocking the Path to Fundraising Success by Rachel Muir

This is Major Gifts Made Easy. Just like it sounds. Rachel lays a clear, simple framework for securing more major gifts like a pro in no time. Get ready to uncover the unique nuances that set major gift fundraising apart from other fundraising approaches and gain the confidence to excel in this rewarding endeavor.

In this session you’ll learn:

  • What major gifts are and how to get them.
  • How to build, prioritize and manage a portfolio.
  • Strategies and tools to get your foot in the door.
  • How major gift fundraising is different than any other kind of fundraising.


Jenna Notarfrancesco

Account Executive @ CauseVox

Beth Saunders

Founder & Chief Strategist

Rachel Muir


Kelly McLaughlin

FIT Strategic Consulting

The goodies: