GA Apocalypse: The Deletion of Universal Google Analytics data

AnalyticsDigital AdvertisingGoogle Ad Grant

If you understood the title of this article we figured we might as well just cut to the chase…

What does this deletion of Google Universal Analytics mean?

How do I export Universal Analytics?

Thought you would never ask, here are free ways to export your Google Universal Analytics.

Why is Google Analytics doing this?

This is completely our view based on reading between the lines and also watching increasing regulations like GDPR and evolving data tracking through cookie policies. The rules changed underneath this useful product and it seems like there may be bigger issues at play around prepping for the future of privacy regulations. We think there is a reason why this is the first bullet in the announcement:

Thanks, but I’m still frustrated

Yup, we kinda get what we pay for in this game… If you are next level frustrated with team Google you can explore open source web tracking solutions like Matomo which are really cool, BUT be aware that as of April 2022, the Google Ad Grant requires a working GA account.

Also, here is a song to keep on repeat while you do the work…