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The Power Of New Donation Methods In Connecting With The Next Generation

Unlocking Donor Engagement

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The fundraising landscape is changing, and to keep up, we need to adapt our strategies. One way to do that? Embrace new donation payment methods like QR codes and Tap to Pay, which are bridging the gap with younger donors in incredible ways. Let’s take a look at how these new methods are revolutionizing donor engagement.

Younger donors are all about convenience, and they’re not shy about using new tech to support their favorite causes. Using Tap to Pay and QR codes, nonprofits can craft seamless, interactive donation experiences that captivate younger donors and make giving easier than ever. A quick tap or scan, and they’re right where they need to be to contribute.

In partnership with Dynata, we surveyed 1,000 U.S.-based adults (18+) in February 2024 to uncover their thoughts and preferences around QR codes, Tap to Pay, and other digital donation methods.

New Donation Methods In Connecting With The Next Generation

You can take advantage of these new donation methods to streamline your donation process, deliver instant access to essential information, and foster transparency and connection with your supporters. It’s a surefire way to keep your organization relevant and ready for the future.

You can view and download the stand-alone .png version of the infographic here.

How have new donation methods impacted your fundraising? We invite you to share your thoughts and experiences on QR code usage for donations in the comments below.

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  • Mihka'el Caron

    Hi, I just wanted to reach out and let you know that your content has been quite helpful for me. Cheers, Mihkael Caron
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