GTD Meets GPT: How to Adopt The AI 2-minute Rule

Generative AI

Wait, when is this AI going to start saving me time? Never, unless you adopt it in the right way. Used in the wrong way, AI toys will suck people into productivity holes of asking never-ending ‘what if’ questions. In March, Goldman Sachs analysts predict AI will lead to a 30% boost in profits (The A.I. boom will boost corporate profits 30% or more over the next decade, according to a Goldman Sachs senior strategist ) and it can also lead to boosts for nonprofits – if used correctly. 

In the 90’s the world of productivity was revolutionized with principles like the 2-minute rule, a cornerstone of the Getting Things Done (GTD) a book and methodology created by David Allen. However, with the advent of artificial intelligence (AI), it’s time to reevaluate and update our productivity strategies. Enter the AI 2-minute rule, a blend of GTD and AI tech that expands the window of quick tasks that can be done to unblock yourself and your team. 

Allen’s GTD methodology is based on the idea that our brains are not designed to store information. Instead, we should capture all of our tasks and ideas in a system, and then process them at a later time. This allows us to clear our minds and focus on the present moment.

GTD is a five-step process:

  1. Capture: Capture everything that comes into your mind, whether it’s a task, an idea, or a thought.
  2. Clarify: Once you have captured everything, take some time to clarify what each item is and what needs to be done with it.
  3. Organize: Once you have clarified each item, organize them into projects and next actions.
  4. Reflect: Once a week, take some time to reflect on your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your system.
  5. Engage: The final step is to simply get started and take action on your tasks.

GTD is a powerful productivity system that can help you to get more done and reduce stress. If you are looking for a way to improve your productivity, GTD is a great place to start.

A Brief Recap: The Original 2-Minute Rule

Before delving into this new productivity frontier, let’s revisit the original 2-minute rule. In GTD, the 2-minute rule is applied during the “processing” stage. If an action can be done in two minutes or less, it should be done immediately, regardless of its urgency or priority. James Clear further popularized the rule by suggesting that the starting action of a habit be scaled down into a task that can be done in two minutes or less, making it as easy as possible to start the habit.

Welcome: AI 2-Minute Rule

As a starting point, assume what takes you 2 hours can take AI 2 minutes, consider this when evaluating tasks. 

As we move into the age of AI, we propose an evolution of the 2-minute rule: The AI 2-minute rule. In this updated version, any task that can be delegated to an AI within two minutes should be. Instead of completing the task yourself or putting it on the pile, send it to a trained model that can deliver a rough draft or quick solutions. 

What is now possible in just 2 minutes with AI used to take up to hours. The adoption of this new rule will take some time at first but the rewards are significant, especially for leaders. Leaders often know the direction they want to take on an issue or task but lack the time to translate it, this intention can actually be packaged into an AI prompt moving an idea to action in seconds.

How to Implement the AI 2-Minute Rule

What is possible with generative AI? If you don’t know what GPT models can do or how to properly use them with prompt architecture there is limited upside. 

Before getting into specifics around time-saving tasks, here are some generative AI caveats:

Not your (API) Keys

Not your conversations

Whole Whale
  • Not your (API) keys, not your conversation. Be careful not to share sensitive information on any generative AI model that you don’t have an API or paid access to that guarantees information won’t be shared into a model (ChatGPT bug leaked users’ conversation histories – BBC News ). Consider this like regularly throwing out your full social security number and PII in a pile of recycling papers at a Starbucks. Sure people probably won’t go through them and most likely they will all be mashed up into an indecipherable soup, but you never know… Shameless pitch for which is built on our API access to major platforms. 
  • Generative AI creates first drafts, not final drafts. Content created should always be reviewed for accuracy and intent, especially if the subject matter is sensitive. 

Identifying AI 2-minute Tasks

Determine tasks in your workflow that AI can accomplish in 2 minutes. Because tools change so quickly refer to this generative AI tool resource

Ideas and prompts for 2-minute tasks:

  • Write a summary of my meeting with key takeaways and next steps
    • Prompt: Based on this transcript write key takeaways and to do items for our team written in a format for Asana/ 
      MODEL: requires or, based on length may require a larger token model like Anthropic. Or as a hack, convert it to a PDF and process it. 
  • Write a follow-up email based on my meeting 
    • Prompt: Based on this transcript write a friendly-follow meeting noting the next-steps as written by {job title/org}. 
      MODEL: requires or, based on length may require a larger token model like Anthropic. Or as a hack, convert it to a PDF and process it. 
  • Writing emails to staff, contacts, board members
    • Prompt: Draft an email to {staff member/contact/board member’s name} discussing {specific topic}.
  • Write a thank-you email to donors/supporters
    • Prompt: Compose a thank-you email for a donor named {donor’s name} who contributed {amount/donation details}.
  • Create a training outline for a staff/stakeholder webinar about a topic
    • Prompt: Prepare an outline for a webinar on {specific topic} intended for {staff/stakeholders}.
  • Summarize an article or PDF into bullets and key points
    • Prompt: Summarize the key points from the attached article/PDF titled “{title}”.
  • Write a response to an article/PDF as the CEO
    • Prompt: As the CEO, draft a response to the main points raised in this article/PDF “{URL}”. Models: ChatGPT plugins,
  • Conduct online market research for a new community project and create a summary
    • Prompt: Research online the feasibility and potential impact of a new community project focused on {specific project details} and summarize the findings. Models:, AutoGPT, 
  • Create a presentation outline on a topic based on an article
    • Prompt: Create an outline for a presentation on {specific topic} based on the article “{URL}”.
  • Write a LinkedIn post response (or other social media)
    • Prompt: Craft a response to the attached LinkedIn (or other social media) post by {author’s name} about {specific topic}.
  • Write up a SWOT analysis about a new product or service with a particular consideration
  • Based on this PDF, create an executive summary for a board of directors
    • Prompt: Based on the attached PDF titled “{title}”, create an executive summary suitable for a board of directors meeting.
  • Visualize a space for a fundraising/volunteer event with a particular detail
    • Prompt: Visualize and describe a space layout for a {fundraising/volunteer} event that includes {specific detail/feature}. Models: DALLE2, Stable Diffusion 
  • Create a press release on a topic
    • Prompt: Craft a press release announcing our upcoming {event name} happening on {event date} at {event location}.
  • Create an agenda for a strategic planning meeting
  • Generate a list of potential interview questions for a job candidate
    • Prompt: Generate a list of interview questions for a candidate applying for the position of {job title} at our organization listed on this page {URL}. 
  • Develop a social media campaign plan for a fundraising event
  • Generate unique, creative ideas to solve this problem with these constraints
    • Prompt: `Generate unique and creative solutions to address the problem of {specific problem} given the following constraints: {list of constraints}.`

Rember to review and refine these tasks, Monitor the AI’s performance, and fine-tune instructions as needed to improve results. We deliberately took the time to give initial prompts, but there is a lot more to smart AI prompt architecture for text and images. Acknowledge your fear of AI before deciding that a generic prompt didn’t do your job…

GTD meets GPT: The AI Productivity Coach

Integrating the AI 2-minute rule into the GTD methodology unlocks a whole new level of productivity. By combining the discipline of GTD with the processing power of AI models like OpenAI or Anthropic, you can automate routine tasks, streamline your workflow, and focus on tasks that truly leverage your unique abilities.

Adopting the AI 2-minute rule frees up your time, reduces your mental load, and enables you to focus on higher-priority tasks that require human creativity and judgment. For nonprofits, this could mean more time devoted to strategic planning, fundraising efforts, and impactful projects.

Here’s an actionable way to integrate the AI 2-minute rule into your GTD system:

  1. Capture: Use an AI-powered assistant to capture all of your tasks and ideas, whether it’s a task, an email, a meeting, or a thought. The AI assistant can automatically classify and prioritize your tasks, so you can focus on the most important ones.
  2. Clarify (process): Once you have captured everything, take some time to clarify what each item is and what needs to be done with it. During this processing stage, identify tasks suitable for AI. Apply the AI 2-minute rule: if it can be set up in two minutes or less, delegate it to AI.
  3. Organize: Once you have clarified each item, organize them into projects and next actions. The AI assistant can help you to do this by creating a project plan and assigning tasks to team members.
  4. Reflect: Once a week, take some time to reflect on your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your system. Regularly review the tasks completed by AI to ensure they meet your standards. Adjust prompt instructions or model as needed. This is where a custom-built AI by could help.
  5. Engage: The final step is to simply get started and take action on your tasks. The AI assistant can help you to do this by providing reminders, notifications, and even coaching.

Shiny Object Syndrome… 

The AI 2-minute rule isn’t just about increasing efficiency; it’s about embracing the potential of AI to augment our capabilities, not replace them. By integrating AI into our productivity strategies, we can focus on tasks that truly need our human attention, thus maximizing our unique potential. 

Working smarter, not harder, is the mantra of this era, and that involves leveraging advanced tools and technologies. Adopt the AI 2-minute rule, and experience the power of GTD meeting GPT in your workflow.

So why wait? Start identifying tasks that can be automated using AI, and make the most of this synergy between the human mind and artificial intelligence. The future of productivity is here, and it’s smarter, faster, and more efficient. 

Harness the power of GTD and GPT, and redefine what you can achieve in a day. With the AI 2-minute rule, you’re not just getting things done, you’re getting things done smarter. Move your team away from the shiny object syndrome, and toward practical use. Let’s leverage AI to build a more productive and impactful nonprofit sector.