How to Use AI to Build Donor Personas and Chat with them!

Digital FundraisingGenerative AITech + Tools

This is a great question to play with for creating a unique prompt for creating draft personas for your nonprofit. Not everyone can afford a top-shelf branding agency when they start out, this tool might help give a starting point for creating a persona.

We know you are probably impatient so let’s just jump right to the fun stuff, enter the name and general mission of your nonprofit, followed by the general audience that you’d like a profile for in this AI tool. You can use the donor persona tool to do the full process.

Describe your nonprofit and general audience
Image prompt:
Image width:
Image height:
GPT3 Response
Replicate – Stable Diffusion Response


What goes into a Donor Persona? The 5 Parts of a Donor Persona

Just to start, donor personas are like your nonprofit’s imaginary donor friend. They are fictional, generalized representations of your ideal donors. They help nonprofits understand their target audience better and create effective fundraising campaigns.
Here are 5 key parts of a donor persona:

  1. Demographic information: This includes age, gender, location, education, income, occupation, and other relevant demographic details. 
  2. Psychographic information: This refers to your donor’s personality traits, values, interests, beliefs, motivations, and behaviors. 
  3. Communication preferences: Knowing how your donors prefer to communicate, whether it’s email, social media, phone, or direct mail, can help you deliver your message to them more effectively.
  4. Giving history: Understanding your donor’s giving history can help you segment your donors and target your fundraising appeals more effectively. For example, donors who have given multiple times may be more likely to respond to a recurring donation campaign.
  5. Channels for engagement: Knowing which channels your donors use to engage with your non-profit, such as attending events, volunteering, or sharing content on social media, can help you develop engagement strategies that resonate with them.

How do I use donor personas? 

Donor personas are used in a variety of ways to help increase the creativity of communications and push fundraising teams to segment donor outreach. Here are some ways donor personas can be used:

  1. Tailoring messaging and fundraising appeals: By understanding their donors’ values, interests, and motivations, non-profit organizations can create messaging and fundraising appeals that resonate with their donors’ needs and desires.
  2. Segmentation: By segmenting their donor database based on their donor personas, non-profit organizations can create more targeted and personalized fundraising campaigns. For example, donors who have given multiple times may be more likely to respond to a recurring donation campaign.
  3. Channel selection: By knowing how their donors prefer to communicate, non-profit organizations can select the right channels to reach their donors. For example, if their donors prefer to communicate through email, the organization can create an email campaign to reach their donors.
  4. Developing engagement strategies: By understanding their donors’ interests and behaviors, non-profit organizations can develop engagement strategies that resonate with their donors. For example, if their donors are interested in volunteering, the organization can create volunteer opportunities that appeal to their donors.
  5. Measuring success: By using donor personas to segment their donor database and track their engagement and giving history, non-profit organizations can measure the success of their fundraising campaigns and make data-driven decisions.

How are donor personas usually created?

Creating donor personas is a process that involves research, data analysis, and collaboration. Here are some steps for creating donor personas:

  1. Gather data: The first step is to gather as much data as possible about your donors. This can include demographic information, giving history, communication preferences, and other relevant data points. You can gather this information from your donor database, surveys, and other sources.
  2. Analyze the data: Once you have gathered the data, you need to analyze it to identify patterns and trends. This can help you segment your donors and identify common characteristics that can be used to create donor personas.
  3. Create profiles: Based on the data analysis, you can create profiles that represent your ideal donors. Each profile should include demographic information, psychographic information, communication preferences, giving history, and other relevant data points.
  4. Validate the personas: After creating the donor personas, you need to validate them by testing them with your donor database. This can help you determine if the personas accurately represent your donors and if they are useful for creating more targeted fundraising campaigns.
  5. Refine the personas: Based on the feedback from your testing, you can refine the donor personas and make adjustments as needed. This can help you create more accurate and effective donor personas that can be used to create more targeted fundraising campaigns.
  6. Use the personas: Once you have created and refined your donor personas, you can use them to create more targeted and effective fundraising campaigns. This can include tailoring messaging and fundraising appeals, segmenting your donor database, selecting the right communication channels, developing engagement strategies, and measuring success.

Example of a Nonprofit Persona

The following is an example of donor persona for Power Poetry created with the AI Persona Tool:

Name: Sarah

Age: 35

Gender: Female

Location: New York City (urban)

Occupation: Marketing Manager

Income: $85,000 per year

Psychographic Information:

  • Personal values: Sarah values creativity, self-expression, and empowerment of young people.
  • Interests: Sarah enjoys creative writing, attending poetry readings, and supporting causes that align with her values.
  • Behaviors: Sarah is an active social media user and frequently shares content related to causes she supports.

Communication Preferences:

  • Email: Sarah prefers to receive communication from Power Poetry via email.
  • Social media: Sarah follows Power Poetry on social media platforms and is active in sharing content.

Giving History:

  • Sarah has made several donations to Power Poetry over the past few years, including monthly recurring donations.
  • She typically donates around $50-$100 per donation.


  • Sarah has attended several Power Poetry events and has expressed interest in volunteering for the organization.
  • She frequently shares Power Poetry content on social media and encourages her network to support the organization.

Using AI to role-play your persona

Now for some real fun, take your persona description and go to and instruct the bot that it is in a role-playing game and should respond to all the questions asked as that character. 

“This is a donor persona role-playing AI chatbot that will play the character described below. This bot should stay in character and answer questions about what they may like or dislike about types of communication messages. Here are the details about the character: {insert persona}“

Here is a live chat with the trained persona of Sarah:

Now you can ask away, but remember that the threaded conversation may diverge after a certain number of chats as GPT models have a short memory. Whole Whale can build tools that solve this issue and are purpose-built for your nonprofit.