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« What do Twitter, Books, Wine, and Fundraisers have in Common? | Main | Guest Post by Gordon Mayer: Playing Learning Games to Spread Nonprofit Social Media »


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Elliot Harmon

"It makes my listening and learning more effective because I'm looking for synthesized bits of wisdom to share."

I wonder about this. I've always thought that Twitter is not a great medium for distilling a complicated, nuanced message (though it's great for linking to one). It seems that about once a week, someone on my friends list writes a tweet like this:

Decentralized communities can adapt and grow more quickly. #blahblah09

Are all of these folks listening to the same talk over and over? No, but there are a lot of different (and maybe even contradictory) messages that could be reflected by a tweet like that. I'm much more interested in the blog post someone writes after reflecting on a talk, conversation, or book than the nuggets someone types in medias res.

Hi Elliot:   You've identified an important point - it is hard to have full context if you aren't the room, absorbing the information in its entirety, and of course limiting it 140 characters.   I look at tweets as ant trails.   Ants leave scents so other ants can follow them back to the ant hole  Anyway,  let give you a specific example.   Let's say my good friend Joe goes to the Blah Blah Conference and he live tweets using that tag.  Let's further say that I had really wanted to attend Blah Blah conference, but my travel budget was cut or whatever.  However, I know that Joe is going and that Joe and I share a strong interest in global development.   In fact, both Joe and I are professionals working on best practices in global development.  I may also know that Joe is attending a session at the blah blah conference with the leading expert in global development -- I know about the session from reading the blah blah conference web site.   So, as Joe is live tweeting - over Twitter I might ask him for urls, if the slides will be posted, or whatever.   So the tweet in and of itself doesn't give you the full and rich context.  You have to follow the ant trails.
It is a different way of learning - if you can call it that .. B

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