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Sue Waters

My attitude is forget about trying to keep up instead start working smarter. For example, there is a lot of pressure all the time to be testing all the latest and greatest tools that become available.

Instead of wasting energy I let others do the testing and just listen to their thoughts by reading their collective tweets and blog posts. For example: Firefox 3 - leave it for now since some are having trouble. Chrome - loads well, works ok, doesn't display sidebars.

With the number of feeds coming into my Google Reader when I do want to write a post on a specific topic I can easily find all the relevant posts considerably faster by searching my reader than using Google.

My google reader is organised into folders. Reading priority is:
1. Twitter RSS - so can respond to any questions
2. Comment feeds - Co.mment and Co.comment - so can respond to any comments if I choose
3. Student Blogging Competition - read latest posts from students and comment
4. Edubloggers
5. Non profit bloggers
6. University student bloggers
7. Ning communities

Work priorities is I spend considerably more time commenting and helping other people (by interacting in twitter) than writing blog posts.

Perhaps a tad too organised now - my email accounts are my to-do-lists and perhaps scary how I'm using making my Google Calender manage my work load. Honestly may need intervention now am color coding my labels in gmails :)

Jeff Trexler

One thing I try to remember when managing RSS feeds is what Marshall McLuhan said about the importance of keeping space for independent thought.

Except he said it a bit more colorfully:

"I have, by the way, a peculiar reading habit, developed in the recent years: I read only the right hand page of serious books. If it's a frivolous relaxing book, I read every word. But serious books I read on the right hand side only, because I have discovered enormous redundancy in any well-written book, and I find that by reading only the right hand page, this keeps me very wide awake, filling in the other page out of my own noodle."

With this in mind, I feel OK clearing or skimming through thematically related feeds.

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