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Jeff Hurt


Have you read John Medina's Brain Rules? I think you might like it as it has great application for creating brain-friendly presentations and workshops. It also contains a lot of research on how and why the brain learns and retains information. It's great for presenters like yourself.

KiKi L'Italien

I LOVE Brain Rules! Jeff is right (as *yawn* usual) and I second his advice.

Thank you for your post. I love your tips for creating better learning in sessions. Right now I am trying to inspire a small group of leaders on a council I am vice chair for and we have a meeting coming up in less than a month. I may try to adapt some of what you are talking about here for that group. Any advice for a vice chair trying to being a small group together? :)

Amanda Davidson

Thanks for a very helpful workshop! Commencing listening experiment now.

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