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Ben Ziegler

This is fascinating stuff. On your question of how open should the network be…. It seems to me that an answer would address: 1) cultural approaches to building trust and relationships, appropriate to the countries involved; and 2) some originality, intuition, integrated thinking for which model(s) to apply next – based on the current state of the network/relationships.

I just spent 6 weeks working with a Canadian NGO, in the Philippines, on an international collaborative project. I blogged about the people I met; trying to tell their stories in a positive, collaborative, light. On reading your post today though, I’m sensing that I only touched the surface when it comes to thinking, acting and reflecting on international networks and collaboration. Thanks for sharing Eugene’s ideas and work, and your experience with it.

Rebecca Krause-Hardie

How timely this post is! I've been thinking about the nature of collaboration to dive deeper into an idea, and thinking about what tools might help facilitate that process. (Reading grant applications and feeling like each grantee has part of the idea, and how to bring them together.)

But discovering myself falling into the trap we always warn about - its not about the technology stupid. All great points here!

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