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« Managing Your Social Networking Presence: What is the best skill set? | Main | Social Networking and Web Tools for Chicago Nonprofits »


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david lee king

"Social media is like sex" - good example! Recently, I've been giving a similar example of a chainsaw - same thing. You can read about it, but you really have to experience it to understand it fully.

My audiences are usually more like 80% beginners, so I usually pack my presentations full of explanations and examples - good for the majority to see that others are already doing it, and good for the other 20% too - they get new ideas (or confirmation that their idea is a good one).

Beth Kanter


Thanks for sharing. Yesterday, I had the opposite mix. So, I guess the key is to go with the majority and be prepared.

Is your slideshow on slide share? I'd love to see it.

david lee king

Not on Slideshare yet (on my list of things to do!) - but most are here. Good recent examples are Managers Pay Attention and Making Time for 2.0

Scarlett Swerdlow

Beth - Loved the workshop yesterday. I definitely didn't mind that you had to cater to two audiences. Everyone left with a new perspective and things to do.

I spent some time reading Lynda Kelly's research on an arts social media profile. It's a good start, but I was wondering if it would be worthwhile to do a survey of our constituents' online habits and behaviors. What do you think? Do you know of other organizations that have done such a survey? Rather than reinvent the wheel, it would be great to use their survey as a template for ours. Let me know what you think.


Michele Martin

Thanks for sharing this, Beth--I plan to adapt the social media game for a conference in September and had already been thinking about this issue of having two types of groups. This is definitely helpful.

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