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Great post, Beth! Got me thinking about Flickr pools and best practices for nonprofits. Check it out:

Carie Lewis

Hi Beth,
Thanks so much for blogging about this campaign.

The most important thing for us is that we're starting to take an integrated approach with our campaigns. We're coordinating with video, print advertising, email, and social networks to reach the largest amount of people possible. And it's working!!

This is our first photo petition campaign. With a little help from my friend Tim Fullerton, who recently did a similar campaign for Oxfam, we pulled this together. I've learned a lot about messaging; particularly on each channel.

Email - we needed to be very specific. People on our email list are generally not as familiar with social networks, so we needed to give specific instructions on how to do what we wanted them to. Many people just sent us a photo of themselves with their message in an email. But we wanted people to send us their message in the actual photo.

MySpace - they get it, but we have to talk to them in a more casual tone. We've been on MySpace for awhile, so people are comfortable with us and seem to love to hear our stories. We can be creative. So, I took a different approach.. I dressed my cat up, put a message on his photo and told the story from his point of view. And they loved it.

Facebook - they totally get it, and they just want to know what they can to do help. Cut right to the chase. So, I put it step by step what we wanted them to do and that was it. I crossposted on our Group, Page, my personal profile, and our CEO's personal profile. Yes, our CEO is on Facebook!

Since this was our first run at a photo petition, it was difficult to get across exactly what we wanted people to do without writing a book. So every person that wrote in and needed help was answered personally. This gave us a good idea of how to more clearly explain ourselves next time.

Also, we understand that, as we integrate our campaigns more and more, there's probably an overlap of people that are on our MySpace and Facebook networks, and may even be on our email list too... so we don't want to just copy and paste the same message on each channel. Plus, all these channels are unique in their own ways.

Haven't found an application on Facebook that allows sharing of petition photos. I've just been re-posting my note every so often so that people who have passed by it previously will hopefully come across it. I love how you can share a note or post it on someone's wall and the associated photo will automatically appear with it.

We're cross posting the note with animal-related groups as well. But I didn't know about the Wendy's Group on Facebook; I'm checking it out RIGHT NOW. :)

In terms of ROI, we track everything using Convio source codes that ties to the advocacy part of this campaign. But the real "social" part of this campaign is obviously the photo petition. We're looking at how many photo submissions we actually get, how much feedback we're receiving, and how many comments we receive from our posts.

Hope this helps! Keep the questions coming!

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