Best of both worlds

Now that I’m blogging on as the domain, it’s time to tackle another problem.

If I listened to conventional blogging wisdom, I’d only be blogging about Weight Watchers (my most popular posts by page views) or Sphincter of Oddi Dysfunction (my most popular post by comments).

My blogging mojo has never been around page views. If it was, I’d still be blogging on WebWorkerDaily. Instead, I like to blog about whatever it is I’m passionate about at the time that it matters to me and then hope I say something that sparks a conversation.

Yet I am mindful that there are two distinct audiences that read my blog.

There are my nonprofit/Mac/techie geek friends who visit because of what I say about the latest gizmo, gadget or trend. Last November, I was incredibly honored to present at a session at Dreamforce. The moderator of the panel pointed out to the room that my blog could be found at I immediately flashed on the latest post I had on the site which just happened to be about getting Chewii, our mutt. I’m in front of hundreds of professional colleagues who are being directed to my site, and it’s currently featuring pictures of my puppy. Great.

And then there are the folks who find this site looking for info about SOD, or they’re my friends and relatives who aren’t into tech and just want to see what I’m up to beyond my Facebook updates. My mother will tell me she read my blog, and in the next sentence remind me that she didn’t have a clue what I was talking about in most of the posts. I want her to get something out of her visits here, too.

I’m going to try something new. I’m not quite forking my content, but I’m going to be classifying posts into just two categories: personal and geek/tech. I’ll use tagging more often than I did in the past to help in searches. There will still likely be a healthy dose of personal stuff in the tech posts (as they say, you can take the Mom out of the blog…), and visa versa. On balance, I imagine there will be more tech posts. If a post is clearly in one direction or the other you’ll know by the category.

I set up two new RSS feeds, so for folks who want the geekie stuff, you can get just those posts. For folks who want the personal stuff, I set up a feed for that. You can also click the appropriate tab at the top of every page to get to the appropriate category.

We’ll see how this works for a while. It’s all a process and learning experience. That’s what’s fun about blogging.

3 responses to “Best of both worlds”

  1. Good luck with the dual personality blogging! You do have a third group . . . (maybe a group of 1!) that came because of the personal stuff but finds the tech/geek stuff incredibly useful. I pass your posts along to my husband fairly regularly and you have introduced me to many new products or tools that I find most useful! So, thanks for BOTH sides of your personality! 🙂