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« The Crumbling of Nonprofit Arts Organizations: What models will rise from the ashes? | Main | What is the distinction between social media for charity and social good/systemic change? »


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Stacy Monaghan

Wow - what a great and valuable list of resources! Thanks for posting this :)

Tara Pringle Jefferson

Hi Beth! I think the link to our Twitter account is off. It's CleveFoundation. :) And we're following you now! (Don't know why we weren't to begin with.)

Cleveland Foundation

Alyssa Gardina

Thanks for putting all of these resources in one place! This post will be incredibly useful for new users as well as those of us who have been on Twitter for awhile.

The Women's Museum twitters at @thewomensmuseum and we've had an amazing response to our social media outreach. The experience that has impacted us the most to date is the suggestion from a Twitter follower (@ninotchkab) that we screen the film "Who Does She Think She Is" in Dallas. The documentary, which follows the lives of 5 female artists, will screen next week - the first time it's been shown in Dallas.

This is just one example of how we've connected with an audience member to improve the Museum's exhibits and programs. I also love how we can connect with other women's organizations and band together to reach our common goals!

Elaine Nagey

How do you get the technology for a real seat of the pants operation -- a food bank-- that puts all its energy into getting food.


Thank you very much


Beth brilliant list, we are huge fans of your work, and are working on creating a central community where anyone with Internet access can help Non-Profits and prosper at the same time.

Lon S. Cohen

Thanks for the shout out to my article, Beth. While my post was limited to non profit organizations that Twitter, your blog and Tweets have been invaluable to me. Thanks again.

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