One of the most important, and impactful outcomes of the process of coaching is the opportunity to get back to basics and provide my clients with the opportunity to really discover themselves. The last few years have provided space and time (whether we were looking for that!) for people to reflect on their lives in a way that may not have been possible, prior to the pandemic.

Over the last many months, I’ve heard from a lot of people who are interested in coaching for the first time. They are tired, burnt out, restless, and unsure that they are where they are supposed to be. That inner voice that was so easy to ignore when the world was moving a million miles an hour has gradually become louder – to the point that people are stepping up to say, I’m not getting what I need from my career. I want and need more.

This is fueled by a belief that they deserve an exciting, inspiring career. And often my recommendation as a place to start with coaching is the Discovery Session.

The Discovery Session is a foundational session that can be part of a larger coaching package, or as a one-off session that focuses on the whole person. Through a series of powerful questions, and assessments completed in advance, this 2-hour session will leave clients with a much clearer understanding of who they are, what matters to them, what their strengths and superpowers are, and what they want in life and in work.

Often my clients will try to differentiate between themselves “at work” and themselves…” not at work”.

To that question, I will advise that finding or refocusing on a career life path must begin with digging deep into who you are, where you are now, and where you want to be. The Discovery Session kick-starts this process. At the end of the session, clients will gain key takeaways that are the building blocks to identify potential career pathways for further exploration. They will also have a much better sense of how they can package themselves to potential employers.

In preparation for the Discovery Session, one of the questions that I ask is: what you would do if you knew you could not fail?

This question usually stops people in their tracks. We are all so used to saying, “I couldn’t do that because of (insert any reason here)”; or “that’s not possible with all the responsibilities that I have….”

But. What if you could?

Usually, once they have the time and space to think about this question without the fear and saboteur thinking surrounding it, my clients will dig deep and say something really…. honest.

That question often leads to new insights and awareness about what they want, or what they fear, that wasn’t previously available to them. It may not be the ‘answer’ but it’s a step toward what the answer is.

So, I challenge those of you reading this who haven’t considered this question bravely: What would you do if you knew you could not fail? Pay attention to what comes up for you. It could be a useful key to unlocking something meaningful about your next step.

Are you feeling stuck, unfulfilled, or bored? Or at a midpoint in your career and trying to figure out where to go next? Kick-starting your 2.0 career with a Discovery Session is a fantastic opportunity to find your way back to yourself and get clear about how you want to spend your time.

Connect with us to set up a free 30-minute complimentary consult or a Discovery Session today.