AI Image Prompt Inspiration to Build Your Brand Style

Generative AI

We wrote this article because our very own site is in a visual crisis as we transition to AI-based images. The issue with the amazing range of images that AI can create is that your content begins to lose the visual consistency of your brand. There is a way to reign this in but it involves experimenting, exploring and then refining your prompt base to then throw concepts at.

Let’s explain…

The Elements of an Effective AI Image Prompt 

When creating an image prompt to generate an image with an AI system like Stable Diffusion, there are several key elements to consider:

Subject and Concept: First, determine the subject or overall concept you want to convey in the image. Do you want a portrait, a landscape, an object, an abstract design? Define the broad subject, theme or idea you want to communicate. 

Objects and Content: Next, consider what specific objects, contents or subjects you want to include in the image. List the nouns of objects, people, animals or other tangible components you want the AI to incorporate into the image. For example, “a woman”, “a sunset over the ocean”, “a glass vase with flowers”. 

Adjectives and Styles: Then, determine the style, mood or aesthetic you want to achieve. Select adjectives that describe the tone, lighting, colors, era or other intangible qualities. For example, “serene”, “futuristic”, “minimalist”, “grainy”. 

Relationships and Composition: Consider how you want the objects and contents to relate to each other in the composition of the image. Use phrases to describe spatial relationships and placements. For example, “a woman gazing out a window at a sunset over the ocean”. 

Lighting and Color: If relevant for your concept, specify the lighting conditions or color palette you want applied in the image. For example, “a neon glow”, “warm lamplight”, “black and white”.

By combining these elements—subject, objects, adjectives, composition, lighting and color—you can craft a detailed prompt to generate a new image that achieves your creative vision. Experiment with different elements and see how the AI interprets your prompts! 

Where to find AI Image Prompt Inspiration

Keep in mind that each major AI image engine has its own strengths and weaknesses. They also respond to prompts differently and are capable of image dimensions beyond a square output. 

  1. The DALL·E 2 Prompt Book : This is the OG image prompt library and guide on designing great prompts. 
  2. Stability AI Dream Editor prompt book: Stability AI lists the steps, artists and inputs that create great images.
  3. ArtHub AI Library: A collection of AI-generated art prompts and a platform for artists to showcase their AI-generated artwork.
  4. Phygital Plus AI Library: A library of AI-generated images and prompts, including various categories and themes.
  5. 14 Sites to Help You With AI Art Image Prompts: A curated list of 14 websites that provide AI art image prompts and resources.
  6. SinCode AI Prompt Library: A collection of AI-generated prompts for various creative projects, including image generation.
  7. GoDaddy Generative AI Prompt Library: A library of AI-generated prompts designed to help small businesses with their branding and marketing efforts.
  8. Prompt Library on Twitter: A Twitter account that shares AI-generated prompts and resources.
  9. Master the Art of Writing Image Generation Prompts for AI: A guide on how to write effective image generation prompts for AI, with examples and tips.
  10. Top 50 Text-to-Image Prompts for AI Art Generators: A list of 50 text-to-image prompts for AI art generators, including examples and inspiration.
  11. 15 AI Art Prompt Ideas You Should Try: A list of 15 AI art prompt ideas to inspire creativity and experimentation with AI-generated images.
  12. AI Image Generation Text Input Examples and Tutorial: A tutorial on AI image generation with text input examples and tips for creating effective prompts.
  13. 10 AI Image Generation Examples for the Workplace: A list of 10 AI image generation examples that can be used in the workplace for various purposes.
  14. 25 Amazing AI Prompt Examples Everyone Can Use!: A collection of 25 AI prompt examples for various applications, including image generation and content creation.
  15. PromptoMania: A prompt builder that connects to CF Spark.

Build Branded AI Image Prompts

Understand your brand identity:

Before creating AI-generated images, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your organization’s brand identity, including its mission, values, and visual elements. This will help you create a consistent theme for your AI-generated images that aligns with your brand.

Use descriptive and specific prompts:
When creating prompts for AI image generation, be as descriptive and specific as possible. This will help the AI understand the context and generate images that closely match your desired outcome. Include details such as colors, objects, and emotions to guide the AI in creating images that fit your brand theme.

  1. Experiment with different prompt styles: AI-generated images can vary significantly based on the prompt style. Experiment with different styles, such as using questions, statements, or even storytelling, to find the approach that works best for your organization.
  2. Test and iterate: AI-generated images may not always meet your expectations on the first try. Test different prompts and variations to find the best results. Iterate on your prompts and learn from the outcomes to improve the quality of the generated images.
  3. Create a prompt library: Develop a library of prompts that align with your organization’s brand theme. This will help you maintain consistency across your AI-generated images and make it easier to generate new images when needed.
  4. Monitor AI-generated content: Regularly review the AI-generated images to ensure they align with your brand identity and meet your organization’s standards. This will help you identify any issues and make adjustments to your prompts as needed.
  5. Stay up-to-date with AI advancements: AI technology is constantly evolving, and new techniques and tools are being developed. Stay informed about the latest advancements in AI image generation to ensure you’re using the most effective methods for your organization.
  6. Collaborate with your team: Involve your team in the AI image generation process. Share your prompt library and encourage team members to contribute ideas and feedback. This will help you create a diverse range of images that reflect your organization’s brand identity.
  7. Use AI-generated images responsibly: Be mindful of the ethical implications of using AI-generated images. Ensure that the images you create do not infringe on copyrights, promote harmful content, or misrepresent your organization.
  8. Measure the impact: Track the performance of your AI-generated images in terms of engagement, conversions, and other relevant metrics. This will help you understand the effectiveness of your AI image generation efforts and make data-driven decisions to improve your strategy.

By following these best practices, your organization can develop a consistent branded theme for AI-generated images and harness the power of AI to enhance your visual content strategy.

Example from We were looking for a simple image style that we could consistently use for small square icons that would look good when put next to each other. For this, we went with a basic prompt and pushed it through a couple of different generators until we likes a result:  
{subject}, white background, minimalistic, artist sharpie drawing