Each scholarship of $2,500 is available to board directors and executive directors of underrepresented charitable organizations and qualified donees. Improve your boardroom governance and help your organization reach its goals.  

Apply today! 

No matter how much experience you have in the charitable sector, it takes work to keep up with today’s governance requirements. Executives and boards of registered charities oversee the entire organization. Successful organizations have structures, processes and procedures in place to ensure their organization, board members, volunteers and staff are positioned for success and protected in an ever-changing environment. 

That’s precisely what Grace Xin, Interim President and CEO of the Ottawa Community Foundation (OCF), had on her mind when she learned about the ICD-Rotman Governance Essentials Program (GEP) and the ICD-RBC Foundation Scholarship. “I came across the program when we had already allocated our budget for the year. Being able to apply for the scholarship and have the program enrolment costs covered made it much easier for OCF to support the time I invested in the program,” Xin said.  

New to OCF in June 2021, Xin quickly discovered that OCF has a very sophisticated corporate structure that needs an equally sophisticated governance structure. The senior management team supports a board of directors and seven committees while managing $240 million in charitable assets for the community. Xin was thrilled to have discovered the GEP. “The Governance Essentials Program gave me the confidence to support our complicated structure and work. It helps me assist my board and committees in delivering solid board governance. I hope through what I have learned in the course, I’ll be able to work with my colleagues, our volunteer board and committees to develop better processes of governing the organization.” 

The GEP teaches essential governance practices by examining policies and procedures that result in sound governance for your organization. This is an opportunity to assess your governance practices and consider improvements or changes in your leadership and how best to support your board and organization. 

ICD and RBC Foundation Scholarship 

Board directors and executive directors of underrepresented, registered charitable organizations looking to improve their governance in the boardroom through the ICD-Rotman Governance Essentials Program (GEP) are eligible for the ICD-RBC Foundation Scholarship. 

The scholarship covers GEP enrolment costs. As Canada’s leading foundational board governance education program, participation in the program will provide high-level training, expanded leadership capabilities and insights from other community-minded leaders. There are a limited number of scholarships for the 2023 academic year. Visit www.icd.ca/RBCSCHOLARSHIP to apply.  

The GEP is a national governance education program jointly developed by the Institute of Corporate Directors and the Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.  

Applications are evaluated based on merit, need and the impact of governance education on the registered charity. Preference is given to equity-deserving organizations that serve the underrepresented.