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David Krumlauf

Great summary Beth. I'll offer a few fillers:

Lexicon is at and will soon have the ability to enter your own search terms which will make it very useful.
You can email people with link to become a fan. Limit of 30/24hrs is for FB contacts only.
Put a PS in your regular email to become a fan like does.
Attach Event invites to fan updates.
Twitter/FB Pages connection is coming soon.
Promote your Page using a celebrity in a personalized video.
Once the webinar recording is available we can fine tune this. It was a bad audio connection for me so I hope I can hear more from the recording.

Beth Kanter

Thanks for that David. It just dawned on me that working in the cloud - for us Babyboomers is a good thing - we can collectively fill in for our "senior moments." Now, if I could only remember the name of that polling app


Great post, thanks Beth.

I didn't know about the ability to join a page via SMS - that would be great for our charity if it works in the UK as we've got some events coming up in the summer.

We're experimenting with the best ways of running competitions/giveaways in the most 'viral' way on the new Facebook format. Have tried using the discussion board etc etc but the best method we've found so far is to create a competition photo album with our logo in and invite people to enter by tagging themselves and one friend in it. It gets our logo on people's feeds and piques people's interest. Sounds a bit convoluted but it seems to work.



Bobbi Newman

One problem I've come across for pages - they are tied to the profile of the individual who crated them. If that person leaves the organization for any reason there is no way for the users to remove that individual without contacting Facebook. With groups its easy to for the users to promote new admins and then remove the necessary person.

Karen Maunu LWB

We have just recently had this discussion about having a Fan page with our Cause page. We had one in the very beginning, when we first started our Cause page but deleted it. With all of the recent discussion, we have revisited this again.

We have decided against the Fan page because we already have a lot of loyal followers on our Cause page (almost 13,000). We update our Cause page with updates almost daily and email to all members when we have news to share (we are careful to not do this too often). When we had two pages (Cause and Fan) people weren't signing up to both and so people were missing the messages and the ability to donate through our Cause page. We also receive quite a few donations through our Cause page....many a week.

If we are missing some great reason to have a Fan page, I would love to know.

Thank you so much for your blog!


Bobbi: We've run into that problem too. We wrote a guide last year that's on in pdf and rich text format and cites many of the links Beth posted above. I worry about doing guides like this again because they go out of date. But seems that people are still favorite-ing it. So I thought it was topical to mention it here:

We would be happy to receive comments for updates. It's also in English and Arabic.


Fantastic note taking. You must have done really well in school.

david lee king

Very timely, as I just held a Facebook Page meeting yesterday at my org! Cool. Will be scraping/using/borrowing from all these links!

Carroll Burney

Thanks, Beth! We have a group and I was curious if I should do a fan page, too. Now I know the answer - and much more!


Wonderful resource - thanks Beth!

Can you clarify the RSS advice in #11? Are they talking about an RSS dump as the only activity on the page? For instance, if an org is active on FB but *also* feeds new blog posts to Facebook, would that be a problem?


Will Zweigart

Great roundup Beth. The one thing I haven't been able to find yet w/ Facebook Insights is a way to track external links to the page. It would be great to know who's linking to (and promoting) your page.

Any ideas on how to get that info?

Jon Dunn

There are several things needed going forward that will need to happen to continue to make NP's as successful as possible on FB (see: Vanity URL's for example).

But the fan page is hands down the best way to represent yourself, as an organization, on FB at this point IMO. Especially after the redesign - we are now "friends" with more than 26,000 supporters.

Groups, Causes, or any other way to represent yourself on FB are the condiments reserved for specific programming. Let your Fan page be home base!


These are some great tips, going to be starting my own non-profit soon, and saving this to my clips.

Karen Maunu LWB

What does a fan page give you that your Cause page doesn't? Once people join your fan page, do you give them a reason to come back and read you?

I would love to understand why we might want to do this, but still don't understand the advantages. Don't want to miss out, but also don't want to lose donors.

Thank you!

Heidi Baker

We use our Page to announce our regular travel training events; not sure that Causes has that feature.

And we use 'Poll' for polls (another app, 'Polls' was not good) but would like to know of a better solution, and one that can be placed on the Profile page.

Jenny Ambrozek

Beth, Thanks for pointing to our "Facebook Groups in Business Investigation". Collaborating with 10 extraordinary Facebook Group owners from 6 countries across 4 continents to collect and share data over a 3 month period was an extraordinary experience. Proving the power of Facebook only 1 of the Facebook Group owners was known to me before we began.

To your list of Facebook resources you might want to add Clara Shih's "Facebook Era" that also serves as an excellent example of using Facebook for marketing:

I was fortunate to be at the "Business of Community Marketing" conference where Clara Shih did an exceptional keynote the day her book launched. Here is an excellent conference wrapup blog post from Kate Brodock (@justkate)

My "Facebook Era" review is posted at TheAppGap:

Clara's book is important for a host of reasons but especially for the practical examples, putting the "Facebook Era" in technology context, and pointing to the mindset changes needed to leverage the potential of a socially networked world.

Anthony Wong

Thank you for the great summary. Since they are making Fan pages more like personal pages, I wish Facebook would allow Fan pages to join Groups so that we can participate in a Group as an organization.

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I am happy to pass this information on. I am involved in two 403-b organizations and this is one idea that can certainly improve the organization's ability to communicate and may fundraise.


How can a fan page follow a cause? Is that possible?
Can a group follow a cause? How can I link the cause and the loyal following of fans?

Laura Norvig

I had not heard the advice that it is bad to dump an RSS feed into a fan page. I thought that was a good thing because it keeps the page fresh (and yes, with minimal effort). We'll have to re-think our strategy. Before they made the last big interface change, we had our RSS feeds coming in in a box on the right side of the page and that looked nice. Now it seems the only choice is dump it into the wall or dump it into a tab, and I really don't think anyone is going to click on the tab. So far for us, Facebook is a lot of work with minimal returns, but I guess we'll keep chipping away at it. We may have to experiment more with groups.


Hi Beth, What do you mean when you say: "Fan Page backend is like a cms and if you know a little HTML you can do some spiffy stuff"? I am an admin of a page and I don't see anything cms-like in the backend. I actually don't see any backend: on my page I can edit boxes, rearrange where they appear on the page, but other functionalities are just like for a since I know some HTML, I am curious where I can access this FB pages backend to do some spiffy stuff for my page!!

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