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« Social Media: Distributed Influence Quantifying the Impact of Social Media - A New White Paper from Edelman | Main | Welcome to the Blogosphere: Nonprofit University »


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Roger Carr

Visualizations are important to get the point across to others about the potential power of using online networks. However, the information that is available to support these visualizations can be very difficult to come by (at least accurate information).

For example, we may know who donated to a fundraising campaign, but what person(s) and networking site(s) got them there? Visitors to a blog site only represents a portion of the readers because posts are syndicated to several network sites, news sites and individual subscribers.

I believe we can show the power of online networking through the overall impact. I am not sure it is possible to accurately represent exactly how the impact occurred when many of the sites and distribution of our content is now beyond our control...but I guess that is the challenge.

Gayle Roberts

Thanks for the shout out Beth.

Just want to clarify, I was quoting my friend Neal Gorenflo, VP at FAS Research, about the importance of tagging relationship links. I'm not smart enough to have come up with that on my own :-)


Ana Jahannes

I think you should also lead a blog by example. So whenever you yourself are donating to a cause, or whenever someone is, it should be noted. I'm much more inclined to give when I see that others are too. Also emphasizing that it's not how much that counts. Often people who are considering giving don't have all that much money. So donating a dollar is always gonna be better than no dollars.

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