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« Citizens Driving Election Day Reporting With Twitter Vote Report | Main | 4,393 Reasons Why I Like TweetDeck And Other Ways To Drink from the Fire Hydrant »


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Jonathon D. Colman

So good to finally meet you in person and watch you present! You have an amazing capacity for energy and such a strong ability to make sense of these complex issues of marketing, branding, identity, and community.

Something that I'm curious about for wider discussion in our community -- how do the best practices and skills that we've all learned in using social media and online word-of-mouth-marketing to support our causes translate over to either the government or for-profit sectors?

We had a lot of attendees at this session from both corporations and government agencies. What do they see, what do they think when us nptechies describe the importance of community-building? I'm not at all convinced that our strategies will work for them.

From my point of view, part of the reason why causes have seen such adoption in the social mediaverse is because it's an easy way for people to leverage their passions and beliefs. But then again, we can probably all name examples of companies and brands that inspire that same sort of allegiance. Not so sure on the government end. :)

Anyhow, will cross-post this to our FriendFeed group so that we can broaden this discussion...

Ashley Messick

I am interested in if there are Twitter tools that help you to search based on interest AND location. I just began doing social media for Blood Centers of the Pacific. We began a Twitter hoping to use it to spread information about when events are going on, where blood drives will be, information about donating blood, etc. However, we are really only interested in connecting with people in the Bay Area, since those are going to be our potential donors. Any good recs of a search tool that might be helpful?


"Twitter tools that help you to search based on interest" There is actually.


Really great clarification on how organizations need to look at social media ROI. Social media ROI is certainly not linear but having metrics like, for one, ramping up public awareness and loyalty, makes it a lot easier to continue mapping out what success looks like. There are a lot of tools already in place I use to help measure a "return on engagement".

You've got a wonderfully simple way of expressing sometimes complicated topics...I've really enjoyed going through your blog these past few days. I'm excited about using some of the things I'm picking up here in my upcoming projects. Thanks for connecting!

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