
New Stuff: Updates From Data Axle, Moore and Classy

Data Axle Nonprofit added audience indicators within its Apogee and DonorBase omnichannel cooperatives that identify donors poised to give following an emergency event. It builds on the firm’s suite of audience indicators that show donor behaviors, affinities, and gifting potential without time-intensive custom modeling.

With the newest emergency and episodic giving indicators, users can quickly identify who is most likely to give after an emergency, according to an announcement from the firm. In addition to emergency and episodic indicators, Data Axle Nonprofit provides audience indicators for high-priority categories in nonprofit fundraising: sustainers, donor advised funds, channel preference, planned giving, and mid-level and major giving.

There are more than 100 million donors within the Apogee and DonorBase cooperative databases. Audience indicator insights can be delivered in an average of two days.

“One of the pain points nonprofits face is the ability to mobilize timely fundraising appeals directed to the right groups, especially in response to an emergency situation,” according to Niely Shams, president of Data Axle Nonprofit.

Nonprofit leaders can act on information provided by the audience indicators, which achieve the accuracy and nuance of a custom model without the long lead time, she said.


An immersive virtual reality experience for donor engagement and captivating storytelling has been developed by Moore, a constituent experience management (CXM) firm, launching what company official described as a new frontier of donor engagement and captivating storytelling.

Donors can be virtually walked through a hospital and into research laboratories, on mission trips to bring surgery to undeveloped countries, and into the habitats of the endangered species that organizations are working hard to save. By putting on virtual headsets, users will get glimpses into the work mission-driven organizations do, according to Moore CEO Gretchen Littlefield.

“With this groundbreaking technology, we’re revolutionizing storytelling and bringing immersive experiences to donors’ fingertips,” said Littlefield.

Moore unveiled the virtual experience at the recent Woodmark Summit in Cincinnati, Ohio. Woodmark Summit is where the nation’s top nonprofit children’s hospitals meet to hone fundraising strategies, strengthen professional practices, and share ideas for improving the quality of health care for children through philanthropy.

Moore partnered with virtual reality developer VRWERX to deliver this groundbreaking solution. Steve Harrison, president of Moore’s CDR Agency Division, Russell Naftal, co-managing partner and founder of VRWERX, introduced the virtual experience during a session titled “Precision Development: 1:1 Immersive Storytelling.”

The experience was built so that it can be scaled up or down to meet all users at their various levels of the giving pyramid — from individual giving to major and principal giving.

“This advancement can literally change what donor engagement will look like going forward. We’re eager to embrace the limitless possibilities,” said Harrison.


Classy, a GoFundMe company and giving platform, released four new iterations of its fundraising platform. These new offerings follow Classy’s recent Classy Studio launch and allows more personalized asks that convert at higher rates and provide more ways to give while unlocking generosity through fully connected scalable experiences, according to an announcement from the firm.

Supporter pathways have evolved to become nonlinear. Classy’s launches include:

* Intelligent Ask Amounts:  Through machine learning, each donor who arrives on a donation form will be provided with a personalized ask amount that is unique based on their giving history, likely increasing the conversion and value of every donation while providing donors with a seamless giving experience.

* Integrations: Integrations are the cornerstone of a connected technology stack. Through the integrations Classy provides, nonprofits will have access to fully connected platforms that deliver hyper-personalized, scalable experiences that allow them to deepen connections and better understand their donors.

* Embedded Donation Forms: Classy’s integrated donation experience will undergo continued changes, ensuring donors can continue to take advantage of the fastest way to check out on a nonprofit’s website. The experience will be further enhanced with a simplified admin and donor experience that removes friction to drive greater fundraising results.

* Giving Cart: Most of today’s donation experiences allow donors to give in one way to one campaign at a time, but Giving Cart enables donors to give in multiple ways, all at once. When donors know they can make a difference in multiple ways, there is an opportunity for them to expand their contribution and help nonprofits raise more for their missions.

“For decades, fundraisers have had to choose between conversion and flexibility. Classy’s new offerings, built on top of Classy Studio, provide a smarter way to fundraise that eliminates that tradeoff and empowers fundraisers,” said Classy President and GoFundMe Chief Operating Officer Soraya Alexander. “As we work to power the future of fundraising, we’re creating new giving onramps that allow nonprofits to enhance conversion and connection through fast, modern, measurable, and secure experiences.”