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« Happy Holidays! | Main | Case Foundation Launches Change Begins With Me Contest: Winner Attends 2009 Presidential Inauguration »


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Danny Brown

Hi Beth,

These are great ideas for monthly events. I do feel that these type of fundraising initiatives can be held by many - for example, I'm running a massive charity push for next year, the 12for12k Challenge:

* 12 charities
* 12 months
* 1200 people
* $10 per person per month
* $12,000 per charity

That's the aim, anyhoo :)

You can find out more here (if anyone's interested):

Here's to many wonderful causes benefiting next year, from many people.

Dave Perks

Hey Beth, this is a great discussion to get started and hopefully, this can become a hub for it to continue. I set up a fund drive in my dad's memory late (very late) to help a family at Christmas. I set it up through on December 13 and promptly started talking it up through Twitter and Facebook. Within a week, I had raised $2,500+ and was able to do more than change Christmas for a family of 7 here in VA. We also gave them a $500 gift card for groceries and placed a $600 credit on their electric bill through a contact at Social Services.

I've taken two things away from the experience:
1) Christmas will never be the same again if I don't continue to do this
2) The response I've gotten has inspired me to look for a way to keep this going - still in memory of my dad - year round and look for ways to help more families in rural southwest VA. Ultimately, I'd like to offer scholarships to the kids in the families we help if they pursue college or a trade school after high school.

This is a great topic and one that is perfectly timed now that we're all sitting back feeling good about what we did this year. The question to everyone is, can we all keep our foot on the gas and continue to work toward improving the lives of others?

Tim Tracey

Hi Beth. "How Can We Make Charitable Giving A Year-Round Habit?" Great question!

We'd love to tap into the energy and value of trusted, local WOM referrals to benefit charitable orgs. Our community platform is in limited release - just greater-Hartford, CT. I'll keep you posted as things progress.

It will certainly be a way to benefit one's favorite charity by just doing what consumers do - sharing about the local businesses they trust.

BTW - thanks for the referral to Christine at Social Actions. Bright folks with a very neat service. We had an excellent talk.

- - Tim


Coordinate a New Year's resolution with monthly donations. For ex, if you're trying to kick your caffeine habit or cut it in half, calculate the money you would have spent on the java and donate it to your charity of choice.


This 'budget' doesn't really seem to be targeted to non-profits. It seems more like it's advice for regular people.

I'd be more interested in knowing which non-profits will be getting more traction and better dollar-efficiency in the down market. A list would be interesting. THAT is who I want to give to.

Paulette Beete

Thanks for this post Beth. One of my goals for 09 is to give monthly to one international and one domestic charity. I know I want to do for international, and you've given me some great ideas for giving domestically. Thanks for always reminding us how easy it really is to give back.

Bryan Owen

I love the idea of considering the needs of a particular season when making contributions, it's a great way to engage in several worthy causes and establish some consistency. I've actually found it helpful to set up automated giving to put the majority of my philanthropic activity on auto-pilot -- that way most of my donations are allocated evenly throughout the year.

Most banks make it easy to do this and you can use sites like ours ( if you want to use a credit card.

Beth Kanter

Mentioned in the Chronicle!


Great suggestions! One more, give a scholarship per month, one student per month in 2009! changing the way Students pay for college!

Laura Zimmerman

Love your locals too!
As a small but vital Mentoring Program:, we need the help of our neighbors! So as you look for places to help in 09 remember to keep your own community close at heart!

Jill Browne

Planning ahead for charitable giving takes some of the emotion out of it, in a good way. Instead of giving impulsively to the one with the most effective sales pitch, budgeting means giving to those whom we really want to support.

Thanks for the post.

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