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A big thank you, Beth, for listing my LGBT immigration right benefit. Valentine's Day is a symbolic holiday for so many of us binational couples, as we are not able to be with our partners and families due to immigration discrimination in the U.S.

Cancer Survivor

Cancer Survivors often find Valentine's Day a time of unusual stress. Whether survivors are single, dating or happy in romance, Valentine's Day excites a sense of belonging that is challenged by stressors associated with cancer diagnosis.

So, what better gift and help can we make for all the survivors we know, than to connect them with two vibrant survivor communities...both of which were developed from LiveStrong Summit personal action plans. CancerMatch at and OutWithCancer at are both free, well attended cancer survivor social networks. People connect either through email or live chats, one on one or in groups. CancerMatch is designed for everyone and OutWithCancer is focused on LGBT survivors .

How can you help? Simple. The easiest, and most helpful thing you can do, right now, is create a link on your or your company's website. That way, more and more people will sign on and more and more lives will be enhanced. For this Valentines Day's, we keep in mind, that, it's not about the's about life. So, let's help fill all of our lives with love....please help get the word out about these two great websites.


Please let me know if you have any questions. And, Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!

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