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Kyle Curtis

Hi Beth-

I am helping create a social media marketing and networking plan for an organization that has been up and rolling for a few months. Its called First Stop Portland, and the URL will be included though our website is being dramatically re-designed along with the social media strategy. Some advice I'd like to get from you as having multiple users create one "voice" while using the various tools- blog, Twitter, FB, etc.- representing the organization. This organization will primarily be a student-driven knowledge-sharing organization, with connections and relationships all ready being established internationally. As such, we are crafting a list of protocols and guidelines to help the student content providers best represent FSP in the social media scene. We have used your site as a reference resource in the pas while crafting our strategy, and now we'd defintiely like any feedback or advice you may have to offer regarding using multiple users to create "one" organizational voice. (Heck, could even be an idea for a blog post!)

Thank you!

Kyle Curtis

Peggy Hoffman

Beth, you've done it again - taken a oft misunderstood concept or at least one that is confusing and made it understandable and executable. Thanks.

I particularly liked the point that crowdsourcing doesn't eliminate the need for evaluation and that in fact we can use "traditional" eval methods (and of course non-traditional!).

Andrew Brandt


Terrific analysis on crowdsourcing for nonprofit projects. As a former orchestra musician who often performed operas and experimental compositions, the example is wonderful.

Once again, you've impressed me! Keep up the good work.


Scarlett Swerdlow

Twitter opera! Awesome! This definitely makes me want to go (even if I'm too shy to contribute). Not only does it sound like an interesting experiment, but it makes me respect the company more for taking a risk and doing something innovative and different. I'd love to see whether Royal Opera House attracts new audience members and how many become repeat customers.

What's sticking with me the most about crowdsourcing is the need to pick the right audience and offer the right incentive. This is, of course, a recurring theme in social media execution. I believe someone commented on an earlier post about making sure the crowd you're sourcing from is the same crowd that will ultimately be consuming the final product.

I just started Howe's book and am loving it. As someone who works for an arts advocacy group, the creative potential of crowdsourcing is just so appealing. One of my fave lines from the book so far: "Crowdsourcing is the antithesis of Fordism, the assembly-line mentality that dominated the industrial age. Crowdsourcing turns on the presumption that we are all creators."

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