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« Power Law of Participation: How does it differ for collective charitable giving? | Main | A Social Survey for Social Causes »


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we have around a 65% utilization rate of the facebook app to entrants... very eye-opening to those who thought our email list (which is where most the entrants are coming from) was nothing but 55+ women and not on facebook!


Beth thanks for sharing all of this. And thank you for the link I really appreciate it.

John Haydon


Excellent post on the "secret sauce". Thanks!

Under learning, I would also ad that people should develop an ability to "Blink", as used by Max Gladwell.

As social media tools develop and grow at a faster rate, folks will need to develop the ability to use thier feelings as a measurement as well. I know this is tough for some people.

Qualitative analytics are important, but are much more valuable if folks can answer the question: "Does what I'm doing with social media feel right?"

Just my 3 cents.


Amber Naslund

Hi Beth,

Another stellar post. I can't help but think that engagement metrics are what's going to help set traditional metrics apart in the social media sphere. It's not just about broad numbers anymore, but how you energize, engage, spur action, and learn something that encourages changes - even small ones - from within your organization. It's about encouraging a cycle of communication that goes from outreach to insight and back again, otherwise, it's just not social at all.

What great discussions you start and amazing information you provide your readers. Great stuff.

Amber Naslund
Director of Community | Radian6

Shel Horowitz

The tools are easier now, but the trend has been around for a while. Back in 1999, I started an issue-oriented not-for-profit. I had both a web page and a discussion list going within the first week, and the discussion lists (we later added a private one for the core group) were a crucial communication tool.

I believe our rapid communication network was a good part of why we were able to bring 400 people out to public hearings, why we were able to respond nimbly,and why we won our battle in just 13 months--even though all the "experts" said we could never win.

I use this as a case study in my award-winning sixth book, Principled Profit: Marketing That Puts People First, BTW:


Wow - i think i need to read your posts a good 3-4 times before i digest all the information Beth :)

It seems the hardest step in all this is the 1st one - figuring out why you even want to get into social media, what you want to measure and how to know if your being sucessful.

There's a 'feeling' side to all this that says "if i'm getting to know people, spreading my message, engaging with my supporters and helping people connect with my nonprofit then i'm doing well", but life just isnt that simple when you have so show hard metrics on your sucess so that your nonprofit will continue.

I'd LOVE to see a full blown case study some day on the Red Cross or Humane Society (or others) that take us from day 1 to present.

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