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Nonprofits of the Month :: January 2010 :: Protecting Endangered Wildlife

December 31, 2009

January’s theme is protecting endangered wildlife. The nonprofits below are doing excellent work in educating the public about the illegal trade of endangered wildlife for clothing, aphrodisiacs, “gourmet” foods, and Chinese medicine. Most people do not realize how bad it really is or how their consumer habits are bringing beautiful animals like elephants, sun bears, tigers, gorillas, and sharks to the brink of extinction. This is a cause dear to my heart and I would greatly appreciate you learning more about these organizations and supporting them through social media. Thank you.

Twitter: The Wildlife Alliance
Facebook: WildAid
YouTube: International Fund for Animal Welfare
MySpace: World Wildlife Fund

The nonprofits above are featured throughout the month of January on the Nonprofit Organizations Twitter Profile, the Nonprofit Organizations Facebook Page, the Nonprofit Organizations YouTube Channel, the Nonprofit Organizations MySpace, and the Web 2.0 for Nonprofit Organizations LinkedIn Group.

5 Comments leave one →
  1. KELUANG MAN permalink
    December 31, 2009 9:21 am

    I suggest that the Western countries should start re-planting their forests(Big-Scale) in a genuine effort to not only protect our Ozone & reduce the aftermath of Global Warming but also to flourish their animal species and purify our Earth with more Oxygen & thus help preserve the balance of Nature..

  2. January 3, 2010 4:50 am

    We should make more reserved forest to accomodate the endangered species. Doing something good for God sake.

  3. January 4, 2010 6:22 am

    And what about turtles? Sea turtles are being poached by illegal fishermen from neighbouring countries for their insatiable demand for their bekko industry. Illegal trawlers leave their home port with the sole intention of catching the sea turtles should face heavier penalties than just being sent home.

    If nothing dramatic is done now to stop the illegal poaching of our turtles, the turtle populations in the region will become extinct in the next decade.

  4. rsheide permalink
    January 4, 2010 10:41 am

    Don’t overfocus on forests. Endangered species also live in wetlands, coral reefs, freshwater rivers, etc. Some of North America’s most endangered species don’t live in forests, they’re dependent on grasslands.

  5. Elle permalink
    January 13, 2010 7:07 am

    Please pay a visit to Wildlife Direct, a blooging platform for conservasionists across Africa and elsewhere in the world. I think this is great use of web 2.0.

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