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« Chase Community Giving Contest Ends With Yet More Controversy | Main | Guest Post by Julio Vasconcellos: Lessons Learned from Twitter Campaigns on Twitcause »


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Thank you so much for the support Beth. I want to stretch all of the boundaries of technology and creativity on ways to raise awareness and raise money.

Allison Fine

I blogged about fundraising by text yesterday and Gavin Clabaugh commented that SMS is not social media but just a new billing system for fundraising.

I've always thought of text as social media, it's cheap, mobile, easy-to-use enables people to communicate and organize. However, it doesn't allow crowds to talk to one another.

What do you think - text social media or telephony?

Casey Brennan

Hi Beth-

Thanks for this post - great to see what other SMS success stories are out there!

Following the release of our research, the 2009 Cone Consumer New Media Study, we posted some tips on our blog about how to engage consumers effectively online:

Hope you find this useful!

Casey Brennan
Insights Associate


One of the goods side of technology is it make us easy, in everything, including for the goodness. Thanks for sharing Beth :)

Mazarine Treyz

When I was working with one understaffed nonprofit, it was hard to see how we could integrate SMS giving into our fundraising strategy. With one person doing e-newsletters, banners, events every month, two major fundraisers on top of that, twitter and facebook and linkedin community management, grantwriting, grant research, and all print marketing for the nonprofit, SMS seemed like a faroff dream.

Now that I'm not working with that nonprofit anymore, it's exciting to see where the world of SMS fundraising is going, and great to hear that it doesn't take a lot of setup, and that there are places that allow donors to just get friends to text a number to get an organization to donate to a cause.

Allison, about what you wrote, I do think that SMS is social media, not a new billing system, because it uses mobile platforms that fundraisers haven't really been able to touch before. It allows a viral effect of person to person text-recommendations to go out in a ripple to create tons of donations not under the control of the fundraiser. The possibilities are truly staggering, and I hope that this method of fundraising becomes not just a one-time disaster use, but something that we can incorporate to use in every fundraising plan.

Thank you so much for posting this Beth!

PS. I welcome your thoughts and ideas about fundraising at


We are walking 40 miles for breast cancer in Boston in May and we need your help! My team has raised over $10,000 to date, and our goal is $20,000. Help us make this huge contribution to breast cancer research by making a donation to our cause today! No amount is too big or small!

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