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where is the animal charity??? :)

Lauren Alexanderson

I'm curious to see if this recent trend burns out. I think you're right, Beth, about the benefits vs. the drawbacks. If you look at the organizations winning these challenges, they are primarily the ones who are already bigshots in social media; they have amassed the large twitter following, the fans on FB, or the network on LinkedIn required to vote for them, retweet them,and promote them enough to capture the attention of the generous corporations. While the lure of $ might make some smaller, hesitant organizations dive headlong into social media, the time required for those organizations (particularly ones that aren't quite as publicly visible) to build up that same following could be lengthy, by which point most of the promotions are long since over. My gut tells me that the larger corporations are going to tire of these types of giveaways before the small organizations that could really use that level of publicity have a chance to benefit.


I was going to contact you about this first thing this morning, but Wendy had me beaten to the punch it seems! I hope that this trend doesn't die down too fast. I work for Kids In Need, certainly one of the lesser-known and smaller charities on the list. We are brand new to social media and online giving, so this is a great opportunity for us, especially to simply spread awareness of our cause.

Queen of Measurement

I'm voting for the Red Cross, not just because I love Wendy, but because they're one of the few that are really measuring the success of their social media programs in meaningful ways. Of course :)

Beth Kanter

Update: Collecting a list of competitions

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