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« NTEN #ONTC: Slides, Resources, and Reflections from ROI Session | Main | A Methodology for Learning from Social Media Pilots: Reflection »


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Wow - what a valuable tool. I hope I win a copy!!!!

My secret for rocking the social webs for the nonprofit I work for - Colorado Children's Immunization Coalition @ImmunizeCOKids - is real relationships. I cultivate real relationships with the people that follow/fan/subscribe us by interacting with them, asking them to post on behalf of our cause and keeping them informed on the latest news. It can seem overwhelming but it's critical for NGOs to build real connections. Our only commodity is people so we have to foster those people on the other end of the social media ID.

Keep on rockin' Beth and crew!

I also hope I win a copy.

I'm a graphic designer, mostly for nonprofit clients, So I've gained a fair amount marketing and design experience within that audience. I just read DK Holland's "Branding for Nonprofits" and it was a revelation at least in terms of imagery and framing the brand story. And how that plays out.

But I know that once you have that framework done (and she talks about how to go about it), you then need as the above comment says to build relationships with your audience, and social media is there to empower and talk with your citizen activist audience. Giving them the tools and the pieces of your brand story to distribute in their networks. While adding their pieces of the narrative. (It's like cooking with food you didn't grow yourself, the meal tells a story not just about the cook, but about all the pieces of the food chain along the way.)

Adrian Chan


book giveaway -- great idea! And to think a comment is worth a book, well that's showing respect for the reader!

I helped do We're looking for ways to get around the "five star rating" problem. I've pitched ideas but on limited resources the key will have to be in forms, rather than using social constraints, community norms, etc.

Problem is volunteers are disinclined to post less than a "fab" review and rating of nonprofits they have volunteered for. But of course NPs want constructive feedback, not just outreach by means of social.

We've considered allowing users to send direct feedback through form fields to the non profit, so that any constructive criticism/advice is separated from the NP's public review.

But the rating thing is trickier. For that we have the idea of 3-5 separate ratings (staff, service, effectiveness, etc)... Downside = more to rate. Upside = users less likely to give perfect ratings on all, so perhaps more honest reviews.

Thoughts anyone?


Jenn Sutherland

I would love a copy of this book. I just ordered a copy for my Kindle, but of course I can't loan that one out to my boss, who is the one who really could use a primer on social media to help the NPO we work for. Thanks for offering a giveaway!

I work with quite a few nonprofits but the main one that uses a lot of social media is GimpGirl Our community rules because we are a crowd of women with disabilities who use social media in unique ways to personify our unique spirits, and we get together and meet once a week to do co-counseling and support, and keep connected throughout the week using social media.

Our secret to success in marketing on the social web is really actively participating in the Twitter community: it's been great for us in terms of outreach to people outside the women with disabilities community and in terms of getting new members.

دست دوم

I would love a copy of this book.

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