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Deborah Elizabeth Finn

Dear Beth,

Thanks for mentioning me! I appreciate it, yet I feel abashed to find that is my main claim to significance in the world of nptech. I guess that no good deed goes unpunished.

Warm regards from Deborah

Laura Whitehead

Hi Beth!
Totally honored to be included in your list! You rock! Keep on being such an inpiration to all of us out there!

Beth Kanter

Ah, Deborah - I just edited the text to include your other contributions to the field, especially through your consulting and blog. Sorry - wrote this up really quickly - and was trying to be inclusive - and I bet I probably forgot someone really important. Thta's why I'm not one for lists like this, but they might republish over at Fast Company and could help us all get some visibility.

Peggy Hoffman

Great list - included a number of my fav and some new names for me to follow. I'm imagining now multi-social-media "event" bringing all these voices together to mentor the next set of fab women.


Can't think of anyone else with the breadth of view to attempt such a list, Beth, so thank you for taking up Fast Company's challenge! Thank you, too, for the mention: it's an honour.

Alex, aka Socialbutterfly

What a great list! Thank you Beth and everyone else listed for the hard work you all do. I look forward to the next year and to hopefully meet many of you in person. If anyone is ever in the DC area, feel free to look me up as I'd love to connect both off-line and online.

Connie Reece

Beth, thanks for including me on this very helpful list. I'm glad I already know some of the women here and look forward to learning about the others. Great resource; I hope you make this an annual effort so we can keep track of who is doing important things in the nonprofit world.

Christine Egger

It's an honor to be on the list, Beth. Thank you, and thanks for creating yet another resource we'll be returning to again and again.

BJ Wishinsky

Great list, Beth! You and these wonderful women have been great role models and guides for me.

Rebecca Krause-Hardie

Wow Beth, I am so honored to be on your list and so appreciative of the work you do. You are such an inspiration! And thanks to this list have added substantially to my google reader!

Rachel Weidinger

Thanks for list-ing me! It's great to read over this list of amazing people. Grateful that so any of them are in my world on a regular basis--through NetSquared, NTEN, ProgEx, Twitter, and the beloved/dreaded conference circuit. Keep up the good work everyone!

Jory Des Jardins

Now THIS is a list!

Nedra Weinreich

Thanks so much for including me, Beth! And congratulations to you on your well-deserved title as an influencer. This is a great compilation of people to know in the nonprofit technology sector.

Michele Martin

Hi Beth--congratulations on the Fast Company article--incredibly well-deserved! And thanks for the shout-out here. I'm honored to be mentioned in the presence of so many incredible women in tech!

Amy Stark

I aspire to be listed in next year's article, and am glad you supplied a list of women who I will be able to learn from and emulate.

Kathy Winter

Thanks for the post. I found a few of these rocks stars on twitter and am now following! Looking forward to learning from them.

kari saratovsky

What a great list Beth - and I'm humbled to be included on it! Thanks for being the ultimate connector of influential women in tech!

Cheers, KDS

heather gardner-madras

Thank you Beth and congrats! It is an honor to be included on the list. It also makes me realize what a great community of women we have working with tech and nonprofits.

social media consultant guy

hey beth, thanks for putting this together. it's always great to find new people to connect with and I had no idea who these people were until i read your post. now it's time for me to find these folks and add them on twitter :)




Thank you so much for the mention Beth, to be listed in your blog--amongst these incredible women is a complete honor! Thank you! I love the diverse number of causes we represent too. Fantastic!

Wendy Harman

I couldn't feel more honored. Thank you once again, Beth.

Jordan Viator

I'm totally honored to have made your list, Beth! It was so great to see the article in Fast Company shedding light on nonprofit technology and the women who work day in and day out to make a difference in this space. Props on the amazing list and thanks for including me!


You Rock, Beth! Thanks for this "press." Jocelyn

P.S. Sending you a new primer this week on how nonprofits can use social networking data. would love your feedback.

Qui Diaz

Beth! I continue to be floored by your generosity, and am humbled to be listed alongside so many smart women. Can we call you our fearless leader?

Its fun learning from/pow wowing with so many people on this list, and I look forward to getting to know others better.

BTW - changed my blog URL! (Scary.)

Stacey Monk

Wow! To say that I'm honored to be included on this list of amazing women is an understatement. Thanks so much, Beth - for including me, and for sharing this list of women to watch.

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