Read Time: 2 minutes

Welcome back! This is Part Three of our 60 Tests in 60 Minutes series! We’ve been sharing some of our favorite tests—things that worked, things that didn’t, and some things we’re still curious about. Be sure to check out Parts One and Two as well!

We’re talking about website design today: specifically, web page images. 

Test 1: UCS and the Campaign-Specific Header

The Union of Concerned Scientists asked: Does including a visually compelling, campaign-specific header image with a donate button increase the click rate and revenue per recipient?

Standard Header (Control)Graphic Header (Test)

The control version saw a higher click rate (+10.2% click rate) with statistical significance; otherwise, they found no statistically significant results favoring either group. (Note: Both audiences were shown headers featuring either match or non-match opportunities at the same time.)

Test 2: HSUS and the Refreshed Images

The Humane Society tested their donation page imagery. They hypothesized that refreshing the imagery on their main donation page might cause more donors to convert. 

Control ImageVariant 1Variant 2

They tested into new imagery on the main donation page, with both new images seeing significant increases in revenue per visitor and conversion rate than the longstanding control image. Variant 2 image ultimately had the strongest performance, with a +27% increase in revenue per visitor.

Focusing on refreshing the image itself gave the Humane Society significant results, while UCS found either approach was successful in driving revenue, showing opportunities for further refinement of the creative strategy down the road.

What are your audiences finding compelling? Have you been testing into new photos or designs? We’d love to hear from you! Are you happy with your web creative and you just need even more inspo for what to test out in your end-of-year campaigns? We’ve got it. Here’s a whole webinar! And stay tuned for Part Four!

Note: Thanks to our clients UCS and HSUS for allowing us to share these test results with you!


Johanna Levy is a Senior Account Executive at M+R based in New York City. When she’s not planning fundraising campaigns you can find her drinking iced coffee at the beach.

[“Barnett & Foster Ltd -Distillers’ Chemical Laboratory, Dalston 1930s” by sludgegulper is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.]