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« Guest Post by Gaurav Mishra: The 4Cs Social Media Framework | Main | Bridge Conference: Social Media ROI: Mapping Metrics to Strategy »


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Peter Panepento -- Web Editor -- The Chronicle of Philanthropy

Thank you, Beth, for being such a wonderful guest for the live discussion and for continuing this discussion on your blog. This truly is an example of how to effectively use social media. The discussion started on our site, but it took off on Twitter, on your blog, and in other arenas. And it's great to see people using all of these tools to share ideas and information.

I'll be pointing our readers to Kevin's answers -- and your posts -- so they can see how the conversation is unfolding.

Angus Parker

In response to the question: "What is the best process through social media of finding new organizations/individuals interested or working in your arena of social issues and connecting with them?" you might want to do an advanced search on WiserEarth where you can get quite specific using the location and interest area (called areas of focus) filters. For people use: and for organizations (over 112,000 listed) use:


I think that this doesn't just work for non profit orgs. I think this works for almost any type of business that's into social media. Quality over quantity is one of them (that works for everything). I can just imagine a product being endorsed 7 times a day - that would tire everyone for sure. But if you engage in conversation and maybe tweet about something else here and there, I'm sure your followers will love you more.:)

Allyson Kapin

Great post Kevin.

Kevin B. Gilnack

Wow, Beth, you are too kind. I'm so glad the responses were helpful, though I'm sure each question could have warranted its own more detailed posts. I'm looking forward to hearing any other ideas people have that I may have missed in my haste.

Betsy Stone

Kevin and Beth: This was a great, practical post! Kevin, I wish I had a stroke of genius to pass along re: your comment that you are looking for experiences and ideas from other human service organizations who are using social media to engage with important audiences. I'm helping the largest mental health agency for youth in my area, and we're just beginning. Right now our biggest hurdle is getting staff comfortable with identifying themselves on an INTERNAL blog. The entire social media world is a huge culture shock for them. They have great stories of how they're helping troubled kids every day... so we'll keep plugging away trying to extract those stories and getting them into the light of day. They do amazing work. PS - I promoted your post on my blog and excerpted a few answers

Kevin B. Gilnack

@Betsy, thanks for the kind words about the post. I'd definitely like to talk with you more offline about strategies for how human service agencies can use social media.. as well as how to get them there, so I'll be tweeting with you soon!

@Marcy I completely agree that many of best practices span across sectors, though each has their own unique circumstances and needs as well. There's certainly lots of lessons to be shared across the for/non-profit divides (and don't forget government) - and social media is just one example of many.. many.

@Angus Hadn't heard of wisearth before - good to know; thanks for sharing!

Morgan Sully

Hi Kevin and Beth,
great and practical post. In response to question #2 - "an application which would post an update on all main Social Networking Sites at once" - I've started playing around with It's essentially an 'email-to-blog' posting service. But with an added feature - you can sync your various social network accounts (Twitter/Facebook/Tumblr - even your own blog!) and auto-post to them via email.

It even supports attachments (images, mp3s, PDF, gMaps etc.)

Incredibly easy to set up. Easy to use. You can even reply to comments via email.

Keep up the awesome posts!

Kevin B. Gilnack

Thanks, Morgan, for sharing the Posterous link, I hadn't tried it out (though I've been seeing more and more tweets about it). Seems like a really powerful tool for posting from email. Very convenient for posting to multiple blogs at the same time - though you always need to ask why you'd want the same post on multiple sites... ditto with a lot of social media services.

Michael Morisy

Thanks Kevin and Beth for a great FAQ on this topic! I'm just now helping a non-profit dive into social media and we're hoping to boost rundraising, and this gives some great case studies to present.

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