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Susan Tenby

Great wrap-up beth. I was over-all, pretty happy about the outcome of the event. It had its kinks, but that is fairly typical for events in SL, I have heard. I agree that the skype and IM back/forth made things exciting, but I liked seeing the chat btw. participants, as long as it was on-topic. When it started to veer into social ramblings and general silliness it was distracting. I think the idea of how to handle the speakers' presentations, on the web, and a transcript typist is a great idea. Let's make sure that happens for next time. It would be fun if there was visible live blogging and live chat going on the screen from the in-world participants, as long as it was following the presentations. I also like the idea of having the audience IM their questions to a moderator who would pick and choose the ones to send to the speaker. Another way we could handle it would be a little less formal. That would be the un-conference route of poling the audience and getting their choice of what they want the speaker to cover, by voting or IMing a Moderator, writing their choices in the chat field on the screen or creating a poll, on the spot.

There are a few ideas for the next event being bounced around. I hope you all attend the next meeting in-world to join the planning of this one.

Weekly meetigns occur every Friday, 8:30-9:30am PST

Pathfinder Linden

Outstanding summary, Beth. We're all pioneers in this mixed-reality space, so it's inevitable that we'll get hit with a few arrows (technical glitches) as we explore this brave new world. ;)

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