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« The Art of Aligning Social Media Strategy With Communications Strategy | Main | Happy Blog Blog Action Day 09 »


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Yes! and... to make one more connection on social learning--Andy Goodman, nonprofit communications guru, former screenwriter, and author of Why Bad Presentations Happen to Good Causes (free download), makes the point that presenters here to date have tended to avoid interaction between participants (a survey of nonprofit types he did for the book found fewer than 10% of presenters ask audience members to interact with each other in the course of a presentation).

It can be hard to make interaction -- one component, I guess, of social learning -- work, especially given that it's not a native learning style for most of us. But (like you also note) it sure is a heck of a lot more fun for everyone involved!


I could have done with reading this post, and the last two or three, tackling social media about 1 month ago! Thanks :)


Hi Beth,
I work with Carie Lewis at the Humane Society of the U.S. and I'm new to the social media sphere. I've been following your blog, and several of your recent posts remind me of the best workshop I've ever taken, which was called Dialogue Education. This approach focuses on learning through conversation and teamwork, and it emphasizes that adults are decision-makers who are active subjects in their own learning. Central to this approach is the importance of creating a safe environment, which gets back to public learning and the idea that people need to feel safe before they'll risk failure in the process of learning something new. The website is a great resource, as well as the book Learning to Listen, Learning to Teach by Jane Vella. Thanks for providing such an engaging discussion!

Steve Waddell

Another great blog, Beth. It's good to distinguish "social learning" from "societal learning"...when we are all "social learners" maybe we'll have "societal learning" happening...when societies can make large shifts without bloodshed, such as ending apartheid in South Africa...and not take so long to do it! I distinguish between the two in


I appreciate the time you have spent thinking through this learning issue. Too many folks sugget it's just x or y; clearly, understanding the learning process in the "new" world is not simple. Thank goodness we have "Beths" in person to guide us.

Rick Torseth


This is a nice piece of work. I read this as a core Action Learning piece updated as Social Learning. It is a nice blend of Revans original work on AL and how essential it still is today but now juiced by technology. People would advance their skill set by capturing the history of of AL and using it's frameworks as a foundation for building today's Social Learning.

Thanks for the advancement



Steve: Loving that term "societal learning" and thanks for the resources

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