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Anne Adrian

Beth, you did a great job with presenting Extension 2.0 ( to a very large web conference audience under some very rough technical glitches. Your description of teaching a Unix-based system reminds me when I was teaching our county staff mandatory training in the very late 1980s on our new wide-area network Unix-based system with menu systems for email. The all day mandatory training (not nearly as enjoyable as training by choice) was their introduction to networking, email, newsgroups, and text based Unix system. I was within the first hour of the training when the power went out. I taught for the next two hours with no power, no connection, and no projector. The very positive side of this technical outage was that the participants really learned the conceptual view of their new network making the actual hands-on training a breeze.

Extension professionals are often hit with surprises when they conduct their programs. They are not only passionate about teaching and helping people but they are also very flexible--you would make for a great Extension specialist!

I thought your presentation went very well, the only thing I have to offer for suggestions is to incorporate Extension examples or possible Extension future uses. For instance, a county office could create its own social tagging like King County ( has created.

Another possibility is group blogging where posting is shared by a few experts who work in the same topic area, such as urban entomologists who are located in different universities.

Again great job! Anne Adrian

Anne Adrian

I just found a very good example of an Extension professional blog within a traditional program area. Master Your Garden is about home horticulture is Western North Carolina.

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