33 Perfect Exercise Captions for Instagram

We know the struggle—you just took the perfect gym selfie or picture where your results are popping, but what on earth are you going to caption it? You don’t want it to seem like you’re bragging but still want to draw enough attention to those gains, so they don’t go unnoticed. A single, successful social media post can drive major traffic to your exercise-for-a-cause. Well, here is a list of dis-arm-ing (pun intended) Instagram captions that keep the mood light, but show that the weights you’re lifting are not:

Gym Captions

  • Leaving the gym always feels like a big weight off my shoulders
  • Can’t afford a therapist? How about a gym membership?
  • I promise I’m nicer than my resting gym face would have you think
  • I be up in the gym just workin’ on my fitness, you’re my witness
  • I’m in a good place right now—not emotionally, I’m just at the gym
  • The gym doesn’t ask silly questions, the gym understands

Workout Accessory Captions

  • The key to working out is buying a cute water bottle
  • Getting into workout clothes is half the battle
  • Thank goodness my watch reminds me to breathe during my workouts

Running / Cardio Captions

  • Squat because no one ever wrote a song about a small butt
  • There’s no elevator to success, you might have to take a few stairs
  • World’s okay-est runner
  • Does running late count as my cardio today?
  • Runderful—the way you feel the second you finish your run
  • Rungry—when you are so hungry from a long run that you eat everything in sight
  • If you want to go running with me, you better prepare to walk a lot

Healthy Food / Diet Captions

  • Water is for winners
  • You gotta nourish to flourish
  • Eat plants & fit into your pants
  • Peanut butter is the glue that keeps this body together

Motivational Fitness Captions

  • A stretch a day keeps the soreness away
  • No one ever built muscle without a little hustle
  • Train or remain the same
  • Better sore than sorry
  • You won’t get the butt you want by sitting on it all day

Funny Wellness Captions

  • Weights before dates
  • Sore muscles are the new hangover
  • No agony, no bragony
  • Training like a beast to look like a beauty
  • The hardest lift is the lift of your butt off the couch
  • A good education is important but big muscles are the most importanter
  • Results still loading…
  • Had to get my workout in early this morning before my brain had time to figure out what we were doing

But posting your exercise on Instagram isn’t just a way to get likes from your followers – you can also use it to create awareness and raise money for a cause. Ask the nonprofit organizations you support if they use activity-based fundraising software like Good Move™ that can help you do good while getting buff.