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« Vote for Carpets for Communities Project: Help free children in Cambodia from exploitation | Main | Measuring the Value of Your Blog: Reflections Over the Last Year »


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Steve Bridger

Always incredibly useful, Beth. Note to self: I *must* read these Round Ups without fail.

Thank you, as always.


Barbara Kelly

Hi Beth: I love reading your blog and was very happy to see ammado mentioned today with the nice link provided and reference to the Max Gladwell post. I wonder if it would be possible to correct the spelling as "ammado" (vs. amando) with lower case "a"? Really helpful and appreciated since everyone who is anyone in the nonprofit universe reads your blog! Thank you, thank you. Barbara

Geoff Livingston

Thanks for including us in this list, Beth. I think Shiny Object Syndrome is an inherently human condition... iPhone anyone? But we do need to be aware of it as stewards of budgets, particularly those who have fewer dollars to make more happen with social causes.


Thanks for posting - sorry I'm so late we have had a couple more platforms join the fray and gain some prominence since your posting: and

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