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SEO Denver

Market success really depends on social interaction.

Loved the 'ant trail' analogy. This would seem to provide such a granular level of feedback and analysis that it would be foolish to ignore. The more insight, the better the decisions!

Very interesting piece!

Debra Askanase

This is absolutely fascinating, Beth. I thank you for putting up the notes from the workshop, so all of us can benefit. (I did go to NodeXL and I have to admit, it's a bit intimidating.) Here are my burning follow-up questions: 1. Has this been applied to help create a social media strategy yet? 2. What practical things will this chart be able to provide, in your opinion? 3. Am I correct in assuming that "frequency of interaction" between people implies stronger ties? If I am correct, then I see this as a key piece of information to discern who influences whom online. In other words, if I'm mapping out an online campaign and looking at this social networks map, I might be able to figure out who could influence the intended targets/decision-makers. That seems to me to be - invaluable!


Yes, the main value is to identify influencers.  He had examples of it being used to evaluate against a social media strategy.  You have to understand sna to get the most use of out it.

John Haydon


Great post - and thanks for the nodes, I mean notes. Especially the questions: "Who is connected to whom? How are they interacting? Where are the clusters? Who are the influencers?"

I wonder if Mark mentioned any on-line tools that folks could use. For example, Twitter-friends has reports that creates social maps.



Very interesting workshop summary, and helpful slideshow from Marc Smith. I've recently started using Klout, which seems to leverage the SNA theory and present results in a very simple, easily understandable fashion. Looks like it's worth checking out NodeXL.


Hi Beth, as always, thanks for the post and the perspective. I took Marc's SNA workshop as well, and found the concepts and content very valuable.

I published my notes from the class as well. You and your readers may find some helpful bits:

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